Republic Affairs - Skarkon, Criminals, and Kril Efrit

For some time now I have been fairly involved in the events surrounding Skarkon and the more than questionable actions of Kril Efrit. The Organization that I am loose with but fully have my support, The Boesna Accords, has only but good intentions to Help the people of Skarkon II. Despite whatever slanderous statements or lies that might come out of Efrit’s mouth, he is speaking anything but the truth.

In most if not all cases of the Bosena Accords we are a haven for Warclones and in later times an Anti-Criminal Organization. for some time now we have been at odds against the angel cartel and Krullefor and Seykal clans for their illegal activities and actions against the republic. When we heard there were reports of illegal activity in the Skarkon system, naturally, we wanted to do something about it.

Krullefor Organization Raids Angel Cartel “Smuggling Bases” on Skarkon II; RSS Tacitly Supporting Thukker Gangsters say Anti-Krullefor Group

As things were kicking off we focused our efforts on the angel cartel at first, taking advantage of the fact that the Krullefor Organization was also harassing them. The constant raids by Krullefor and Seykal along with Our efforts at striking their key locations eventually led to most Angel Cartel leaving the planet.

Concerning the Seykal-Krullefor / Angel Cartel War

At this point, Kril is indefinitely assigned to Skarkon by the higher-ups in the republic. To say the least we saw this as a positive opportunity to route him out and reveal him for what he is.

Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor Appoints Kril Efrit as Governing Khumatar of Skarkon System

Although Thukker Decline to realize both Seykal is linked with Krullefor and both groups originating from the Thukker clan, they refuse to admit that they are fellow clansmen. Possibly due to them having a potential “use” for underworld related things or even high-level contracts requiring a certain ruthlessness in handling.

Thukker Tribe Council of Caravans Declines Petition on Krullefor Organization Links to Seykal Clan; “Not a Matter for Great Caravans”

Once they were less than a threat, at the time, we refocused our attention against Krullefor Organization, who uses the Seykal clan as their main muscle, as they were posing a threat to the locals if left unchecked. Although as things were heating up, Efrit began getting restless with us and ordered a “kill on sight” order to his soldiers and “contractors”. Who these contractors are? well, although it has never been confirmed it is likely to be assumed it is the Seykal Clan, the ones responsible for a number of terrorist acts within the republic and is known for their notoriousness.

Khumatar Kril Efrit Authorizes “All Legitimate Military, Law Enforcement, and Security Contractors to Kill Criminal Warclones on Sight”

Meanwhile, as forces from the ‘Accords’ are dealing with local criminal forces and investigating Kril Efrits areas of interest, we are also prioritizing helping the local population by providing them with resources and protection while they regain there footing and making sure they aren’t being forgotten. Although, Kril Efrit, on the other hand, has been painting us as criminals and terrorists, and is spinning this story as if he is the “good guy” in all of this madness, especially after recent events, as an excuse to get away with his underhanded tactics.

A battle between Capsuleer forces and the combined Seykal-Krullefor fleet broke out when a Naglfar -class Dreadnought opened fire. The capital ship was reportedly piloted by a Capsuleer affiliated to self-styled anti-Krullefor Warclone forces engaged in a conflict with Krullefor, Seykal, and other forces on the surface of Skarkon II. The Khumatariat government has declared these Warclone units “outsider terrorists” and claims an alliance with the Angel Cartel is among the alleged crimes of the Warclones. The orbital battle ended following the destruction of this dreadnought and several Seykal battleships.

While we are fighting legal battles with CBD and dealing with those criminal mercenaries our efforts are focused on the people of Skarkon and revealing the corruption that is implanted in the republic, namely RSS’s leadership, Kril Efrit.

As efforts are taken by Bosena Accords, the Seykal clan is taking efforts to block any investigations on Kril Efrit, but to our fortune, RJD is getting involved and is taking the investigation into their own hands.

Khumatar Allek Berialsh Petitions Tribal Council to Block Sebiestor Marshals Investigation into Finances of Krusual and Thukker Mercenaries

Republic Justice Department Opens Investigation into “Rights Violations and Excesses of Security Apparatus on Skarkon II”

We still have things we want to pursue and we will see this through until this conflict has resolved one way or another. I will say though if you want to help us in any way or the people of Skarkon if you don’t want to help us, then by all means we encourage it. Although if you plan on helping that corrupt person of leader Efrit, then there is no guarantee that we may or may not see each other on opposite sides of the battlefield. Either way, an interaction, whether for or against, is interaction so I’ll be looking forward to what some of you may or may not do.

For all Links and references from the world news I’ve gathered them here:
World News Quotes and Links

As for events of the Bosena accords and related events with fellow contributors I’ve compiled most if not all of the events we have performed. there are quite a few things that we have done from start to finish so this list is a little long but here is most of everything.



Skarkon Situation Heats Up: Supercarrier Sighted Over Skarkon II

BREAKING: Neopian Force Presence Escalates Above Skarkon II

Bosena Accords Deploys Primary Fleet to Skarkon II

Legal Battle Over Skarkon II Ferry System

BREAKING: Explosion Onboard Skarkon II Ferry Vessel

Clone Pilot Airstrikes Begin in Earnest Against Krellufor Convoys and Supply Bases

CallieGirls™ May YC122 Edition

Breaking: UNF Facilities on Skarkon II Assaulted by Unmarked Warclone Units, Presumed Tronhadar Freeguard and Onikanabo Brigade Connection

Skarkon II Continues to Destabilize

Protests Spread Across Molden Heath and Beyond

Skarkon Station Free Press Sahaal Protests Turn Violent

Skarkon Station Free Press Krullefor Forces Pushed Out of Gulormola Autonomous Zone

Skarkon Station Free Press Triglavians Routed, Kril Efrit Appointed as Khumatar

REPUBLIC STAR BREAKING: Republic Star Print Offices Raided on Skarkon II

Skarkon Station Free Press Angel Cartel Evacuates Skarkon Following Stunning Orbital Strikes

HEATH ROW NEWS The Skarkon War Continues

Heath Row News BREAKING: Massive Atmospheric Displacements Detected as UNF Combined Arms Force Inserts Over Sahaal 7.5.YC122



HEATH ROW NEWS 8.19.122 Ishohuolvi Annexed by Gulormola Province


A few questions:

  1. By what authority and/or jurisdiction has the Foreign Warclone organization begun their investigate on an appointed official of the Republic?
  1. To clarify, are you claiming that you and the Foreign Warclone organization oppose the Republic official appointed by the Sanmatar, and are actively working to undermine the authority given to him by the Sanmatar?

  2. With the RJD opening their own investigation, will the Foreign Warclone organization drop their own investigation and cease hostile operations against Government Authorized personel?

  1. By what authority and/or jurisdiction has the Foreign Warclone organization begun their investigate on an appointed official of the Republic?

I suppose a better choice of words would be we are taking actions that will more or less expose certain actions of a particular person to have them be questioned by other officials. therefore we might not be directly engaging in a so-called investigation but we are making things known through our actions to reveal his actions and intent.

To clarify, are you claiming that you and the Foreign Warclone organization oppose the Republic official appointed by the Sanmatar, and are actively working to undermine the authority given to him by the Sanmatar?

No, I myself would never oppose the republic. BUT… if said leadership of the republic starts showing signs of corruption, illegal or otherwise criminal like behaviors, or even as simple as the mistreatment of others I will call them out on it.

With the RJD opening their own investigation, will the Foreign Warclone organization drop their own investigation and cease hostile operations against Government Authorized personel?

for the most part in a direct way our fight is with seykal and krullefor. indirectly we are still going to be involved in the matters of Efrit.

our concern right now is why is he hiring ruthless mercenaries as “contractors” to “pacify” the local population, who are known to have no regard for human life soldier or civilian.

Less politics, more killing triangles.

This will keep a few days.


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