Round Table Assembly Skarkon Emergency Session Results

We have presented evidence to support our claims at multiple junctures throughout the various discussions, debates, and calls for assistance and help on Skarkon II, our burden of proof has been satisfied. Additionally, we were authorized to enter and settle in the region by the Thukker Tribe to conduct counter-piracy and anti-criminal activities, and most members of the accords have been operating and living in the region continuously for over seven years now.

While yes I understand that our involvement and activities can be looked at with a degree of suspicion, we are hardly a new or unauthorized force within the region. And while our mandate has changed in some ways since the initial inception, particularly after the Warlord Uprising and its subsequent quelling by both Accords Forces and CONCORD’s SARO Red Troops, our authorization within the region was never rescinded. And our time within the region living on-world and in station, meeting with the people, defending them, and deterring all manner of threats from affecting the mortals hardly makes as much of outsiders as what some may claim us to be. Especially for the populace of the People within the region for whom we have been a shield, healer, sword, protector, and Aegis against the threats posed by such a space beyond the typical concern or force projection ability of the Republic Fleet.

To address more directly questions of burden of proof:
Our claims have been backed up in a comprehensive, if a bit sensationalist report, compiled and published in a successful effort to get higher authorities to open a more formal investigation than what we were capable of conducting or enforcing. The RJD launching their investigation was the successful culmination of such, but was interrupted by the Triglavian invasion of the system. An abbreviated version is also available

The claims of Khumatar Efrit as to our actions though are completely without substantiation other than his word. As one of the primary on-ground operational oversight commanders for the extended force deployment:

  1. Slaving operations are specifically prohibited by Accords Policy, Code of Conduct, and operational procedure.
  2. Cooperation with slaving operations is prohibited by the same
  3. Our conflict began well before the entities became lawful extensions of the RSS operating in the region
  4. We were forced to redirect counter-cartel operations to a new, more pressing threat, and thankfully the cartel withdrew the majority of its presence as the conflict between various groups escalated.
  5. A ceasefire order was issued almost as soon as the security contractors were formalized, except in case of defense of mortals or self defense.

We offered to cooperate in opposition to the Triglavians, both in the initial, unsuccessful invasion and in the more recent attempt, which did result in the Triglavian foothold being successful. Both were ignored and instead we continued to be the target of offensive operations, despite our general cessation of direct action in armed conflict and refocus on humanitarian relief, infrastructure rebuilding, and counter-criminal operations.

Even still we remain hopeful and assist in evacuations, providing shuttles and ships to the populace, but they must operate the ships themselves for fear of reprisal from remaining republic forces. We have moved an Ansiblex gate with required fuel and supplies into a secure location in the hopes that, if the system is dragged down into the abyss as many fear, its conduit based jump system can be modified to function even if the system is taken down into the abyss, though our hope is to get as much of the populace who wishes to leave offworld as soon as possible.

I still maintain my standing orders to warclones under my command: Do not fire unless fired upon, or in defense of mortal lives. SARO Red Troops and AEGIS have not, to my knowledge or anything that I can confirm, engaged or attacked any target that was not posing a direct, active threat to their operations in contrast to Seykal and Krullefor forces. As such I would hesitate to label them as an enemy, only as a potential enemy if things keep devolving.