Heath Row News
Early this morning the skies over the Iddisheim peninsula in Ishohuolvi were rocked by a series of immense detonations for kilometers around where the Wellspring Source, the Wyvern class Supercarrier, was last noted to be transiting.
Current reports suggest that a Hoarder class industrial registered to the Krellufor Organization was aggressively de-orbited into the airspace at speed, and managed to survive volleys of CIWS systems before impacting the shield radius of the supercarrier, and detonated the payload it was carrying. Bathing the peninsula in a daisy chain of horrific thermonuclear blasts and firestorms, leveling highway sections and incinerating aircraft and drones near the epicenter of the detonations.
At this time, casualties in the local area are unknown, but the capsuleer pilot of the Wellspring Source, Lauralite Anne Brezia, was able to be reached, and confirmed that despite heavy damage, the attempt to bring down the supercapital vessel failed in its objective. The pilot also expressed outrage at the callous deployment of WMDs in proximity to inhabited zones, especially by forces that are ‘supposedly protecting the wellbeing of Skarkon.’
When reached for comment, a Krellufor media representative was cagey about their response, and said that “all measures are under consideration, per the edict of Khumatar Efrit for all legitemate military, law enforcement, and security contractors to kill criminal warclones on sight,” when it was noted to the representative that the Supercarrier was a capsuleer vessel, not warclone, and supporting baseline armed forces, and that the potential collateral damages caused were monstrously disproportionate, they quickly ended the interview and ejected Heath Row News reporters from the premises of the Krellufor Compound.
CBD has at this time refused to comment, but it has been noted that tensions continue to rise between the supposedly allied corporate and RSS backed forces.