On behalf of the Bosena Accords I would like to confirm the death of Krullefor underboss Sals Armarthen on Muttokon II. More information on the strike can be found in our interview with the Republic Star.
Operation Galatine is proceeding swiftly, despite our need to pivot operations against the Krullefor Organisation while foregoing attacks on Seykal forces for the remainder of the campaign. Mop-up on Muttokon II, District 3 is underway with Draugr Division reporting victory planetside. We will continue to work with our allies in the region, and provide updates as more information becomes available.
To any hold-out Krullefor agents, I have clear terms of surrender; lay down your arms and become independent mercenaries under the Bosena Accords charter, or be sent back to Baliggan Krullefor in a dust pan.