Ahh, nothing like the smell of stereotyping in the morning…
Bonus to Core and Combat Probes.
Bonus to every weapon system
Bonus to Data and Relic Scanners
Bonus to Security Status gains while ratting
Bonus to Armor and Shield reps based on Sec Status
Yep… sure looks like “all you do is probe and cloak”.
Bonus to tackle
Bonus to weapon systems
Bonus to Cynos
Bonus to Sec Status gains
Bonus to reps
This one is attempting not to step on the toes of both the Gallente and the Minmatar Recons. And yes, it can also Cyno, but that’s not all that it does.
Bonus to tackle (again)
Bonus to weapons
Bonus to Sec Status
Bonus to reps
This one isn’t unexpected. CCP really doesn’t like Black Ops, and it’s always shown. They’re the redheaded stepchild of the CovOps family. Invited to the family reunions, but forced to sit at a separate table and forbidden to socialize with everyone else. Black Ops would be amazing if they’d only allow them to use the CovOps cloak like all the others. But it took years for them to cave in and accept the Bombers into the inner circle, so maybe in a few more years. Maybe one of the @CSM could help that along.
“I see the flaw in your idea”. You are stuck thinking inside the box. You see a bonus on a ship, and assume that’s all the ship could ever be used for. Even going so far as to ignore the rest of the bonuses on that ship.
… that T1 logi cruisers can outperform in it’s role. I mean, come on!
I support the idea, more weapons on rare ships are always nice.
I even like the minimal added drone support, I think every ship should be able to use at least one small drone.
That’s what CCP was thinking too when they gave the tech one and two logi frigates a drone bay for one small drone - a feature that is a useful as solar flash light in the dark.
Falcon has gun damage bonuses, MUST BE A LINE COMBAT SHIP!!
Pasifier is a scout/cyno/probing warpin provider.
Enforcer is tackle/anti-tackle/Hunter/drop-cyno
Marshall is bridge/secondary tackle/some DPS
Bombers are your DPS/ewar
Yes you can do other Blops tactics than standard drops, and they are alright at those, but nothing a few guns will actually improve.
Honestly, I can argue against your suggestion because I would love my ships to be more OP at what they do, but they don’t need more guns. Also, drones are out of character for Concord and only serve to slow down drops. Ratting in these ships is wrong, the sec bonus is silly and should be raised in proper ships. The place they shine that fits that bonus is DED sites.
You do realize that is just a name and they never use proper drones? Also, drones can’t launch drones, so more lore reasons to not have a dronebay! lol
Let’s run with your invalid argument though…yes plz, I want to lanuch cruisers and BSs with my enforcer and marshal!!
Do a Show Info on any of the Concord ships you see in the game, they are listed as Concord Drones. That’s not “just a name”, that suggests that there aren’t any pilots in those ships. But then again, we call Fighters “drones”, and you can clearly see people sitting in the cockpits. Regardless, it means Concord knows how to use drones. The fact that we decided to plug Capsules into them instead is irrelevant, it’s not against Concord’s religion to use drones. They don’t need to deploy drones in order to take down Criminals. They insta-neut, insta-tackle, and pretty much insta-pop their targets using CCP magic.
And what about any of that makes you think that anyone is arguing for the ability to deploy Cruisers and BS as drones? Did you completely gloss over the several bits where I said it could be limited to 1, 3, and 5 Light Drones in total? A BS with the ability to launch 5 Light drones is not overpowered in the slightest. Combat drones won’t even be noticed compared to the BS weapons, and EW or Logi drones won’t hold up to BS sized targets. But it would give them a way to easily clean up wreckage, since we’ve basically turned the “Professional Salvager” into anyone with an MTU and a few Drones.
I’m no stranger to hyperbole. But you’re just making yourself look silly.
If you guys are so up and against these ideas to improve on a great looking ship with a bonuses that helps all players on their skill levels of using any weapons.
So I say towards the people that want to shoot my ideas down how about put an idea for yourself and here if you can come up with a better option for the Concord ships, what will make them better then they are now.
CCP has made and awesome ship line of the Concord ships but sadly made them very weak. Let’s improve on this and get people that want to grind the project Discovery something that you would grind those hours upon hours of doing that mind numbing thing, a improved version of them ship classes that they are now.
They don’t have any ideas, because they don’t care about improving them. Most of the folks around here don’t care about anything unless it directly affects them. These folks don’t see a point in owning or flying the Concord ships, so they don’t have any interest in what happens to them.
But they also don’t like the idea of some ships getting improved, unless it happens to be the ships they do care about flying.
In short, don’t expect constructive criticism from the trolls. =)
A small drone for a logi frigate is indeed almost completely useless (more would be better, the logi cruisers can use as last 2 mediums), however we are not talking about logi ships here. Even a single drone can be useful to a combat ship, especially if that ship has bonus to ratting, so you can salvage that T2 wreck without losing a significant amount of your firepower, or other useful combat related high-slot modules.
I think she suggests that giving a single drone to the Pacifier would make it too similar to the Enyo, which is objectively false. And if I didn’t misunderstand her, then I probably should list the reasons why she is wrong right now, but it would take way too long and I’m lazy.
I still like your first idea Jonny with the extra high slot for the cloak and max out the turret / missiles hard points to save mixing weapons and to have them all the same.
As you said Jonny 5H with 4 hard points for weapons for the frig.
7H and 6 hard points for weapons for the criuser.
9H and 8 hard points for weapons for the battleship
I still believe that’s a awesome idea if CCP Is still determine not to bring in drones to make some options of solo game play with these awesome ships.
He’s an idea that will keep the idea and reward for good security.
You already have the tank bonus to the Concord ships the higher security stats you have better your tank is.
Why not do the same for the Dps?
I say maybe up to 50% might be too much bonus, but up to 25% more DPS will be great idea, so instead of 10% per level of security gain do 5% to security gain per level on Dps.
So in the end you have 10% bonus too active armour repair or shield repair and this new one I’m suggesting adds 5% per level on any DPS per level.
I think you’re breaking the fitting window here. According to EVE Uni, the Marshal already has 8 high slots, but only 6 hardpoints for turrets and launchers.