CONCORD Victory Skin

Does the CONCORD Victory Skin on the market, once purchased and activated, does it apply to all CONCORD ships? Or does it apply to a ship you’re actively in? I can’t quite figure it out, there’s just the one listing, but all CONCORD ships have the skin as an option. Most skins have a ship name before the skin name.

I’m also seeing this in regards to the Serpentis Victory Skin and I’m not sure if there was a recent change I missed or what.

Any intel would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Some Victory SKINs work on multiple ships once applied. Some examples are the Sansha Victory, Blood Raider Victory, Minmatar Victory, Gallente Victory, Concord Victory, and there are others.

Once you activate one of these SKINs, it will become available for all the ships it applies to.

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