CONFIRMED BY CCP: As predicted, the new gates are functionally inevitable

The sand has nearly ran out of the box, soon to be a box only :frowning:


Sand can now be purchased in the New Eden Store.


i cant afford sand :frowning:
will have to play in the mud
mud box


Pardon a new player’s question:

WHY are these new gates considered such a bad thing?

No one is forcing you to use them.

If understood his point, it’s not about the gate, it’s about the rigged event.

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No, but outcome is relevant to participation. In this case, the storyline (the lore) is simply being used as an excuse to allow pilots to take part in a “new” isk-earning event.

Arguably, it is. Focus on the event process itself, not the storyline. You will have no impact on the outcome of the story but you can impact on the event mechanics - for future application.

Based on posts of a CCP Dev on Redditt (Cerberus?) s/he stated the event is built on previous Resource Wars. They previously thought as a player(?) that RW was a cool event that paid poorly. Now that they are a Dev, they wanted an opportunity to try and bring RW back, with better pay out. So, in their mind, this event has nothing to do with the storyline (which you cant change) but it is all about piloting a new “Resource Wars mechanic”. And they (CCP) specifically want to get feedback from pilots to see if/ how they might use this mechanic more broadly in the future. Feedback which will not happen if not enough pilots play the event.

As a starting point, current payout is apparently 400% more than the old RW. Which gets back to the whole point of this exercise. Isk for pilots. Not the storyline.

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Most of the older players just assume that anything CCP does is poorly thought out, superficial, and will end up making the game worse. Most of the extreme emotion is pent up energy from all the horrible choices CCP has made in the past. You have to remember the Triglavian Invasion was sort of similar to this event, in that stargates were involved - and CCP really, really screwed up the game with that.


@JayEm_HighCastle the long story short of it is:

There are two sets of issues:

  1. The gate itself is unwanted, and seen by the majority of Solitude’s residents as a serious threat to the unique community we’ve made and the unique region in which it lives. There are issues with the other gates as well, but I’m not qualified to speak for those communities. This has been gone into in other threads in great detail and I simply don’t have the will to rehash it here any further. Change for the sake of change is the antithesis of good development in a sandbox game when that change destroys something unique and emergent created by the players. If anyone wants to argue those points I welcome you to participate in any of the other threads dealing with it.
  2. The event itself is very poorly designed, has a completely predetermined outcome when it was implied repeatedly player choice would matter, and was implemented so poorly that they had to, for the first time to my knowledge, preemptively declare huge swaths of emergent content exploitative. I’m practically a carebear and even I think the one-sidedness of it all is astonishing.

Oh I’m not that old of a player, only about two years total, with the current stint at around a year and a half.


I don’t even know what you’re trying to say here. If the event’s outcome is predetermined, whether players participate in it or not, then whether or not people participate in that event has no bearing on the outcome.

I’m seeing the point that EVE is supposed to be “the sandbox” and having a predetermined outcome breaks that paradigm.

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the whole argument about the event being predetermined is silly. this event is basically the same as the trig invasion. just that we didnt know at the time that the invasion was rigged. no matter what we did , the outcome was predetermined.

as for the gates themselves, I agree. bad choices.

I know. And I agree with you.

But in reverse, the outcome - of being paid isk and bounties (even if the storyline is bogus) - is designed to drive participation. And CCP wants this participation in order to test its pilot of a re-skinned Resource Wars. It’s just a different perspective. Forget the story and just enjoy the event for its payout, or because it’s something a bit different.

From what I hear the payouts suck ass too, something about work really hard and you can get some shoes.


Yeah, saw that on reddit. Something to do with LPs only being good for shoes and clothes? I assumed when the CCP Dev said a 400% increase in payout (compared with RW) they meant isk from participation and bounties. But I dont know enough to comment on how true that might be.

Most of those posters raging and screaming are acting like children doing it for the attention and drama.

That is how everybody behaves on the internet. Even spaceship tycoons and presidents.

The Trig invasion had more agency then this event, because in the case of the Trig invasion players had an impact on WHICH systems fell. This event doesn’t even have that, hence the predetermination argument.

Ahh, I understand now what you’re getting at. It’s an unrelated point, mechanically speaking, but not contradictory.

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Hey kettle, you’re black. Feel free to add something to the conversation, we’ll wait.

But the sand you purchase can’t be in the same sandbox as other players. Your sand must be kept separately from players. Sorry!