If I miss anything in this game it is old simple events that even a noob could do with cheap t1 cruiser.
Why did CCP started to listening to the loud minority crying about the events being easy and mindless? Seriously, the last good event I remember was the Blood Raiders about a 2 years ago now (don’t remember the name and I could not find any information about old events in eve anywhere, but I hope you know which one I mean).
FOB, Neutral mining fleets, Resource Wars, Triglavian invasion… these all were big fails imo and only a minority of players doing them.
The number of players, actual players, playing this game is year by year lower and lower, yet the new events and new content requires more and more players to do. CCP doesn’t understand that instead of players working together they will just multibox it with alts (or maybe they do and it is their bussiness plan? not sure what is worse).
Seriously tell me what was wrong with the old events like the one mentioned. It was spawned everywhere, even wormholers had sites in their system, it increased player base as lot of noobs subbed again to do them as they were fun and easy, and the swarm of noobs running the sites meant a new content for gankers, thiefs and suspect baiters.
If there was anything wrong with those sites it was their too fast respawn rate or spawn rate in low populated areas. Because of that, smart players were not contesting them in main highsec but was doing them somewhere far away where nobody fought for it. This is however hard to balance as most of the low and null is divided to alliances who controll it therefore making an event that only spawns in low, while not as bad idea itself, primarily benefits these large groups and nobody else.
New content with so called smart AI is not only too hard to do (or rather doable but annoying) but also has shitty rewards. FOB, neutral mining fleets and resource wars especially. Would anyone missed this content ? What is point of having it in EVE anyway?
Additionally why does this new content must always harass players doing other activities? I am talking about endlessly respawning (with no delay) roaming triglavs and FOB patrols. Sure, more destruction is good for the game but I still don’t like npcs doing it. Give us more reason to fight between us, give more reasons to gank miners or autopiloting ships and more players will do it, (indirrectly) nerfing the ganking in one way or another and adding npcs that will “grief” players instead is anything but good design.