Connection Failed 'The cluster is not accepting connections'

Things happen.

I was told id be contacted by the end of last week to set up on the job training. I wasnt contacted unil yesterday

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The sisi warriors must be furious.

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says the sisi warrior

I think you have the wrong person here :smiley:

Hey all!

Sorry for the misleading update. The Singularity Test Server is utilized by our teams to make sure updates and patches correctly deploy to a server environment similar to that of Tranquility.

I do not have an exact timeframe of when it will return, and instead of giving an errant estimation Iā€™ll update this thread when there is a firmer timeline for Singularity.

Thanks for understanding!


I would hope for any new players when you open it back up that it will be mirrored

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Tbf, Sisi is very very useful.

I need Sisi to make trainings for my alliance members, but itā€™s offline (or unavailable for public) for long period of time. Does anyone know when it will be available again?

do it on TQ they dont like that people are using SISI for that to do stuff like this Risk free

Not all trainings you can do on TQ. Also, Iā€™ve never heard that developers donā€™t like players making trainings on Sisi ā€“ only playing on Sisi

this couldnā€™t be further from the truth. SISI has been used for test fits for over a decade. at one point it was only T1 and T2 mods. since for the alliance tourney, they would give you deadspace. Then deadspace came so prevalent in fleet fits that they made dead space, all dead space seeded. Not sure where you got that from but even mods would tell people to test on sisi.

This is unfortunate especially the last what 10+ years of precedent you have set. hope it comes back soon a very useful tool.

Minor update: Singularity will stay turned off at least until the end of August.


Holy hell 2 more months?

Yep, so now you can just sit back and wait

2 months??? dudeā€¦ i need singularity to teach corpmates and friends things

You can do that on TQ

Thanks for the update, Convict!

Tbh this is kinda ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– . With a game this old and unforgiving not being able to test things in a way that doesnā€™t cost of months of progress is terrible. I donā€™t understand what the issue here is.

I realise the testings might be done in a way that doesnā€™t allow other people to play meanwhile, I also realise that the testings might be done in a way that doesnt allow to simply pause it for a little bit of time, if so, you can ignore this message, sorry for bothering for nothing, however, if possible, opening the server every once in a while leaving the schedule to be known in advance, even if only allowing access for regular players to a limited amount of systems, could be impactful, allowing the corporations and alliances to help new players learn the game faster and impacting less the work of the devs than simply opening it completely, please understand that once again I donā€™t wanna be mean since it might simply be impossible to do or problematic to the devs, iā€™m just thinking it might be impactful and avoid players to have to wait for a while which may cause issues by having an army of players trying to test a bunch of things at the same time when it reopens, since they would have waited a while already. Also, sorry for the long reply, iā€™m not good at making short texts.