The corax visibly has 8 mounts on the ship but in the fitter you may only fit 7. is this a bug do to a typo in the code? i highly doubt it is though because i know its been like this ever since i played a few years ago i just thought it was an odd thing to visibly have 8 but can only equip 7
a few pics of what im talking bout. (also note only 6 launchers are equipped cause the 7th slot is taken by a Auto Targeting System.
Most ships are like this. I’m not particularly OCD, but it does bother me a bit to look at.
It may be a bug, but it’s of the “works as designed” flavor
Its probably for the same reason why max refine rates are not at 100%, it gives the dev’s some wiggle room if they want to add another high slot so that they dont have to have the art department remake the ship.
This is precisely the reason.
While ship stats can change from patch to patch, redoing art assets is a much more time-intensive endeavor.
It is a kind of “future proofing” of the models so that the model does not need to be modified much (if at all) when a ship is rebalanced.
More than a few other ships have the same “issue.”
So to answer your questions directly: No, it isn’t a bug or an oversight. It is working as intended.
edit: Also… why an Auto-targeting system? The only real benefit it gives is the ability to target more things. I would think a Tractor Beam would be more useful.
When low on power and CPU and you’re going to go ratting and have an empty high slot, I consider fitting an auto targeting system. For waves and waves of rats…
It’s common across a lot of hulls - after a lot of tinkering this is what it appears to be:
Each hi-slot maps to a pair (or more - enough to give clear all round field of fire) of mounting points. It’s a one to one mapping. The number of launchers or turrets fitted is limited, and that’s what drives the “empty slot” if there’s a utility hi-slot.
Fit one turret and move it between slots to see what I mean - it moves to different places on the hull.
Most hi-slots modules have a point on the hull where the unit is represented (the tractor appears from somewhere for example) so a mounting location is needed for each slot.
A bad description of the reason. But they are not turret mounting slots, but hi-power module mounting locations, and turrets/launchers are high slot modules.
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