If by reduced space traffic you mean less chance to be ganked, then I think this isn’t so.
All the gankers need to do is to sniff out where your factory planet is* and setup a camp at the POCO. Then continuously scan your cargo filling up with Broadcast nodes. I can’t see how reduced traffic gives gankers less opportunities. On the contrary - they have less traffic to filter out.
(*) sniffing out a factory planet and its owner - go to planet view, RMB on the surface - click “Show other characters network”. Zoom in and look for bleak circles representing command centers locations, click one and zoom out a little. Now look for pin networks. Anything that is composed of more than 10 circles may be a factory. Inspect circles with RMB to see what it is and who owns it.
This probably is not a factory per-se, rather just simple Raw → P1 → P2
But in this example, upon close check, all factory pins shows as P3 factory:
Edit: I’ve already added QoL suggestion for clearer visibility of other characters CCs