I don’t post here very often, but I would like to make a suggestion that I think would help with the overall aesthetic of the game, and give some options to new and old corporations alike.
The current batch of “Corporation Logo Icons” that we have are 150 or so icons with 15 colour combinations of 3 layers. A simple calculation brings the total number of available combinations to 2250 combinations of any one layer, and 11,390,625,000 different combinations of the 3 layered images together.
Whilst this may sound like a lot, it really isn’t as robust as it sounds when you consider that the list of images consists mainly of eagles, skulls, x’s, pentagrams, cross’s, snakes, horses, scorpions, swords and Stars. Couple that with the fact that a good quarter of these images are meant to be backdrops, like checkered boards, circle outlines, dart boards, and stripes. There are a few outliers here of course with a crescent moon, bullet image, and a lightening bolt, to name a few.
My point here is that while it seems like we have such incredible variety and diversity in numbers, in reality we have 11,390,625,000 eagles, skulls, x’s, pentagrams, cross’s, snakes, horses, scorpions, swords and stars layered on top of checkered boards, circle outlines, dart boards, and stripes.
I think this looked really great back in the early 2000’s when the rest of the graphics more closely resembled the low res grungy style of the current corporation logos we see today, but now I feel like it sticks out as something that needs to be brought up to date with everything else. Corp logos are something that you see everywhere in eve. Corp offices docked in station, on the killboard, right click view info, who owns that citadel, recruitment panel, set standings, war panel; I could go on and on.
I’m not going to propose an entire new system is implemented to revolutionize the universe or whatever, because I think there are probably more pressing matters to attend to in regards to securing eve online’s future into 2020 and beyond.
Maybe add some new images, new backdrops, higher res images with more depth, add a 4th layer, more colour swatches, opacity layers in place of colours.
You guys are smart, I’m sure you can think of something amazing