Fact or Fiction
If a pilot has a frozen corpse inside their cargo hold do Drifter Rats hunt you down?
Fact or Fiction
If a pilot has a frozen corpse inside their cargo hold do Drifter Rats hunt you down?
I’ve read they follow you around but not sure if they actually attack you unless you have shot them in the past or have bad standings to them in general. You can always try yourself and report the results.
On that note I personally tested if they actually scoop corpses and they do, albeit sometimes takes them a while to find a jettisoned corpse and remove it from space with their scanning beams, but they actually do it, confirming what I’ve read about it.
(The test was conducted in hisec with their patrol groups that warp to stargates, belts, stations, customs offices and so on and which scan nearby objects including ships. These are the ones that are peaceful until provoked.)
We’ll see Rodger was out with his new nulsec friends and he was shooting custom offices and then right when the Drifters warped n that normally just scan the custom office started to scan ships right before the poco exploded.
That’s when someone asked if there were frozen corpses in the cargo hold and when Rodger asked why, he was told that the Drifter will attack if there is a frozen corpse in the cargo hold.
Like a few fleet members even warped off their blingy fitted ships though Rodger Longbuck (ex Safety Agent) stayed to watch the Explosion. Was asked to make sure that there are no frozen corpses in his cargo hold.
Had there been a time when this was possible? A drifter would attempt to scan then attack a pilot who held such treasure in their cargo?
As I wrote people wrote this happens but haven’t personally tested it. As mentioned above the roaming drifters do scan things and if they find a jettisoned corpse they grab it.
Now whether they follow you around if they scan you and you have a corpse in hold I don’t know as I haven’t tested that specifically.
And if they do whether they attack you eventually or if these claims are untrue (and if what they said was true was it because of the corpse in hold or because they’ve had bad standings towards the drifters or some other reason).
So the only way to make sure is to personally test it. Which is doable in hisec as well so should be no problem.
So plausible then?
For example some drifters auto attack no matter what, like the ones around observatories even in hisec.
Same goes for shooting the patrol, I’ve read they follow you around and continue their attacks and you have to go out of your way to remove the aggro because they may even continue after you signed off then on again on that character even if days passed since the incident.
(Again no personal experience with this just what I’ve read. I think even the uni wiki has or might have details about this.)
So it is entirely possible if they detect a corpse but can not get a hold of it they attack, but no confirmation either way so can’t be 100% sure.
Thank you for your insight on this matter.
Over on that other forum they say it’s an old wives tale. They used to steal corpses from cargo, but never attacked. Anyway, easy enough to test with a corvette. Drifters show up in systems with Jovian observatories (before and while a drifter hole has spawned), and there’s plenty of those. They’re often on the gates, that would be the place to test.
Isn’t it the Autothysian Lancer Drones that will attack you in HS if you have a corpse in cargo? Never heard about Drifters doing it…
Well sort of thought that those are the same.
Indeed, drifters as in anything that has to do with k-space side of drifter (/uni) holes, including the autothysian lancers with their scanners.
Fiction. One weekend I followed them around with a velator cargohold full of corpses, even target-locking them: autothysians do not attack ships with corpses in the hold.
I didn’t drop any corpses for them to gobble, so I can’t comment on that part: I took them to Jita for somebody to bid on for their ghoul cupboard
You have to take the corpses to an enchanter, and then the autobots will trade for them.