Could use some help with The serpent and the slaves

I could use some help here,
I killed all the Ships as requested and the mission tells me to destroy the san 1 which apparently is an invisible cloud. I don’t have a clue how to go about this as I can’t seem to even locate this invisible cloud.

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I’m not familiar with that mission but it might help to have a tab in your Overview showing everything…

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Investigate a possible slave trading outpost and deal with any possible slavers

Looks like after destroying all 30 ships you should have gotten a message to let the slaves rot

Reading comments on eve survival suggests there is a lookout between 20-40km from warp-in point.


Can you link screenshots of what the mission is telling you? The display in the Opportunities tab would be a great help to folks here, I think.


Thank you for your help. I had the tab with show everything but nothing showed up.
I’m sorry, I gave up the mission. next time I will take a screenshot to show what the mission is telling and a view of the overview window.
Really thanks again for the replies


There’s a lot of missions where for some reason the mission objective is called “cloud” of some sort instead of the proper name. Some mix-up in the databases that CCP haven’t gotten around to fixing I guess.