Level 1 story-line DISTRIBUTION mission - “Record cleaning” - what COULD bloody go wrong?
Some pirates have set up a small base in an acid cloud I’m suppose to go there and retrieve some guy and probably kill some pirate ships. Before I warp in the game warns me about the cloud, well I have gotten these warnings before when doing lvl 3 and 4 security mission when I have to fly through some radioactive cloud I have been warned to make sure I am flying at least a battlecruiser with good repping, I have done those on a proteus didn’t even sweat. So this is level one distribution, on a Harpy with 3 shield extenders, and a rig for EM resistance, it shouldn’t be a problem RIGHT? I get inside the next room I see the cloud and the next gate I have to go to, I start heading that way and all of a sudden the ship starts taking so much damage so quickly I hit tried to warp and even with the high agility it had it couldn’t do it fast enough and after taking 5k+ damage, there I lose another ship in a silly way! Why would you do that in a level 1 distribution mission FFS! Not only I lost small expensive ship the game also penalized me TWICE on all related standings after I dropped the mission, I wasn’t gonna go in there with no ship after I saw how much damage I took in such short amount of time!
Did you not read what I said that it was a story-line mission given by a level 1 distribution agent? Level 1 means easy, distribution mission mean even easier, It doesn’t matter which gate I was going to go I shouldn’t have taken so much damage in such short amount of time, and I should have been able to complete the mission with a Harpy even if I had to fly through the gas cloud. Also the ship requirements for that mission were pretty loose, and there wasn’t even a red print warning in the mission description!
I don’t care about your gifts I want CCP to fix their sandboxes - level 1 distribution sandbox should be of level 1 difficulty for distribution sandboxes and should not be cross contaminated with content from other sandboxes of higher level!
CCP doesn’t read whiny posts in this forum. Try Reddit.
The most you may get is a bit of advice from kind players like Chad Frostpacker.
My advice for you is to get over it.
I think you should link your killloss that way😁 @CCP_Arcade or even legendary @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras to mention that you as a rookie Capsuleer needs to toughen up and not resort to topic category changes.
“…Storylines IIRC dont necessarily follow the level of a regular mission…”:
They should and that is what I am trying to shine light on, they should keep the sand box content separate and not mix it up. if the agent is level 1, then I know that the difficulty is level 1, so I can use a ship according to that difficulty level regardless if it has to be a combat or cargo ship, then if the agent is a distribution agent I expect to fly some cargo from here to over there, not wrestle pirates or drones AND vice verse - if the agent is a security agent I should get a story-line mission that requires combat not flying a big cargo!
No, they have to separate the content if their game is based on sand boxing which is why the PvE missions have difficulty level 1-5 and they provide additional info as what needs to be done and the type of potential hostiles, that tells the players what they are about to face “Spicing things” up in PvE by mixing things up without the knowledge of the player or even by providing false information is not the way to go,
If I want the extra challenge I wouldn’t get out of null sec, but I don’t care about flying in there, also I think there is plenty of challenges in high sec against rats. So PvE stays over here and has its strict sets of rules and expectations, while PvP stays over there and it is free for all with all the surprises and entertainment!
It was already explained to you that it wasn’t a regular mission but a Storyline mission and that those do not always follow the rules for levels.
Also I’m sure that the mission has instructions. You should have read them or read them better.
Yes, they do! EVE is not a small garage project but a game that earns them profits! Just like when a bank messes up your money due to a bug and you expect them to fix it, so I who pays to play expect them to fix their game so level 1 agents don’t send me to a mission that’s not level 1 but says it is level 1! Similarly when the label says “no peanut butter”, then the product has no peanut butter and can be consumed by someone who is allergic to it, that’s an extreme case but it falls in the same category. So they ought to fix it.
Also PvP and PvE are separated, the mere facts that PvP doesn’t happen in high-sec to the same extend it happens in the other parts of the game and that players are penalized for shooting at someone in high-sec without their permission is enough to tell me that they are separated. Also ships operated by other players behave differently than those operated by the game - hence SEPARATED even if they happen to be in the same room!
I want the lvl 4 peanut butter damage out of the lvl 1 ice-cream mission that is not suppose to have it, so their job as the “manufacturers” is to figure out why the peanut butter ended up in that particular ice cream when it wasn’t supposed to be there in the first place and how they can make sure it doesn’t happen again in the future!
@Kortanil Regardless of how you feel, the fact that the mission had your ship destroyed and the facts mentioned in all previous posts remain. You weren’t ready to take on the mission even though you thought you were.
I understand that you didn’t want peanuts in your peanut butter but the label mentioned it, even if you didn’t see it.
Do take a look at the links I have provided and hopefully you will have a better time running Storyline missions in the future.
Enjoy this beautiful day!
Storyline agents follow this rule.
For every 16 agents of the same level and faction you get a storyline.
Much like regular agents, storyline agents are a mix of distribution and security (dont recall mining).
A storyline agent when available is picked by the closest one to you. So if its a distribution agent you’ll always get that one. Most people if they like where they run missions, but want specific type storylines, they’ll ignore the first one and wait until the game gives them the next closest agent.
If you think storylines should be easy (they shouldnt cause they give faction standing) wait til you see the anomic L4 missions. Much much harder than a regular L4 but the pay and reward is much higher.
If you are worried about messing up standings with other factions, i recommend DO not do storylines. While you’ll get a chunk of standings for your faction, youll LOSE standing with the one you fight against.
“…If you think storylines should be easy (they shouldnt cause they give faction standing) wait til you see the anomic L4 missions. Much much harder than a regular L4 but the pay and reward is much higher…”
You may not believe it but most of the story line missions are “easy mode” even the L4s, such as deliver 100 cubic meters or larger amount of Veldspar to help the war effort, and I know this because according to the Activity tracker, which was introduced in 2018, for this character alone I have completed 56 of them, the total number of the security missions is 1156 of which 24.2% are L4s, and I have been playing EVE on and off since 2008, so the actual number of story-line and regular missions is much higher than that! I’m telling this not to brag about how much I have done but so you know that I didn’t start the game yesterday, I have flown a bit, and that I have a good feeling of how much damage I can expect to take when I do a mission. In this particular case the amount of damage for that amount of time that this particular ship with its high resistances took was way too high, and can’t be explained with spicing things up or the other BS excuses that were said earlier. The game simply bugged, as I was doing all kinds of distribution missions last night for any corporation from any faction. I would pick all that were available in a station where I had a drop, regardless of their difficulty and for as long as I had enough room in the cargo hold, then I would optimize the route and proceed to deliver to the first stop and I did this for few hours flying back and forth so I ended up with few story-line mission agents sending me an email and this guy was level 1.