Mark your "boxes" CCP!

Finally got comfortable enough to move up to doing LVL 4 security missions again but couldn’t find a suitable agent, they kept giving me either missions where the hostiles belonged to another of the empires or were of the 5k+ LP reward which take forever to finish, at last this agent gave me something that was priced at 2k LP, I took it and set the destination and I noticed that the system was a red dot! OK WTF is this (I started playing the game about a month ago after haven’t played it for almost 4 years) the system is 0.6 but marked as a red dot destination? WHY??? I flew over to the gate and I got a CONCORD warning about system corruption, didn’t say much just “pirates …blah blah blah”. FIne, lets see what this is! I jumped. And on the other side I got greeted with 100% corruption, PvP was not penalized, no help from CONCORD if someone decides to blow your PvE ship!

What the hell people? If a regular agent is going to send me to do a mission in a 100% corrupted system at least LET ME KNOW in the mission box with red text in parenthesis right after the name of the system where I am supposed to go, so I know that something is WRONG there and that maybe I should think TWICE before I commit!!! Is this SO HARD to implement a little warning - “Hey we need you over there but keep in mind about THIS”!

Can you do THAT?


When you receive a mission (before accepting) you always want to check the destination. You can simply click “set destination” on the objective to see if anything is up along the route.


So 4 years ago, where there was no dialog poping up and warning you you’re effectively jumping into a nullsec, you would have jumped into a triglivian final liminality system instead, but because it wasn’t marked red on your autoroute, you would have been happy? After all, triglivians are supposed to be evil according to the storyline, and also according to the storyline they corrupted and infiltrated the FTLC network, thereby sabotaging CONCORD’s response, right?

Just imagine the pirate factions have acquired the Triglivian FTLCN sabotaging techniques, e.g. because a former triglivian collaborating capsuleer, that is now siding with the pirates, has told them. EDENCOM also learned it’s thing, and therefore you now get a red mark on the autoroute and a dialog popup.

CONCORD penalties are no penalties. At least none that are meaningful.

Instead, Highsec Law and Order is, and always has been, protected by Safety . If you feel the corruption carebears, which are only marginally different from the triglivia space carebears that existed 4 years ago, did you some wrong in the 0.6 sec, you can always ask @Aiko_Danuja to penalize them in your name (or anonymously), at a processing fee documented here. For only 100M extra fee, Safety can have each of them cry, too, something CONCORD can’t do.

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If you were returning to the game after a 4 year absence, you no doubt assumed that some things had changed.

That being the case, it might have benefited you to do a little preparatory work. Encountering the word ‘corruption’ for the first time should have alerted you to a change you’d not expected. Googling that term (with the appendage ‘EVE Online’) would definitely have pointed you to a CCP official announcement and explanation.

Of course, you may be one of those people who doesn’t prepare himself in that way.


4 and more years ago, and today, if the mission sends me to a system to low sec or null sec, I could see that in the mission window, very easily, I don’t have to pop the map open as suggested above, the mission system would be marked with the appropriate color. This is entirely different! In these 4 years they’ve added the pirate invasions but they forgot to make sure the different parts of the game’s interface talk to each other to properly reflect the changes that happen during the invasions such as changing of the corruption level,

CONCORD attacks those who commit criminal acts in high sec and destroys their ships, THAT is a penalty on its own and its pretty meaningful, on top of that the players committing the criminal act also get their sec status lowered, this one is meaningful too!

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I can tell that you never worked in a work environment that uses chemicals OR you never had to deal with OSHA and go through its training OR even if you did you can’t make the connection between the two! Either way - OSHA requires that all containers at the work place that contain chemicals MUST be labeled and stored appropriately! When you read a label and the name doesn’t mean anything to you, then you open the OSHA safety sheets, you find the name and read all the documentation on the chemical and that is what the OSHA training reaches what needs to be done in order to stay informed BUT there have to be labels in the first place, do you understand this part?

Here we have the same thing systems that have different “chemicals” in them, so CCP must label them so the capsuliers know what they are dealing with AND because there are several ways to access the “containers” - one of them being through the mission information window - and their content is constantly changing, the game should make sure that their labels are always updated in real time to reflect any change.

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I’m sure you can see the flaw in your argument here. You are saying that, in the Real World, if you don’t understand a label, you go to the documentation.

But, for some reason, if you don’t understand what’s happening in EVE, you don’t go to the documentation, you whine at CCP about their ‘labelling’.

And, for the record, I worked in extremely dangerous environments for the whole of the middle section of my working life, including with hazardous materials and substances. Whatever the label says, its only a condensed version of the full Safety Sheet. Use the label as a shorthand guide, to confirm what you already know, not instead of it.

With that attitude it seems that only good fortune has allowed us to be blessed with your presence in the game. Happy reading!

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CCP will not touch missions, and that includes information they give…

OP read the label and saw something they didn’t understand, but went ahead anyways. They may as well have ignored the warning label.


That label wasn’t there when the mission was presented to me!

It was at the gate to the system that is corrupted though.

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why wouldn’t they do that when it comes to synchronizing them with the rest of the game and any changes or new features been constantly added to it?

I need the label in the mission box when its given to me not at the gate after I accept the mission and fly to destination.

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Would that really have stopped you though? By your own words, you read the warning and continued anyways, despite not knowing what it was. It would be the same warning that you ignored.

Yes, and the warning at the gate was generic! I learned more after I entered the system and read all the extra info that was presented, Nothing happened to my ship while I was in there, so I am not here for that, what I have now is a L4 mission I can’t complete and I will loose a big chunk of standings.

The system will revert to normal once the current insurgency is over. Then you can complete your mission.

How long that’s going to take?

when its over.

Missions are some of the oldest things in game, and even changing something like that could break.

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If you were not wrecked with mission loot on the ship, then I don’t understand why the mission can’t be completed.

Security missions are run in “pvp space” all the time. LVL5 security missions even are exclusive to lowsec.

Unless the millitia ends the corruption status before that, it will take “too long”, as the system won’t be downgraded on it’s own before daily downtime, and mission DED despawns on downtime.

Sadly, all of the old devs who cared about the game and knew the old code have left. No one is going to be able to fix it.

I have to admit, I would love to see a new game based on eve with new coding and a more balanced introduction to the game.

I wouldn’t bother to play a snowflakes game, but it would make CCP more $$$.