Oops, someone’s busted
It’s good that a lvl 1 mission doesn’t have clouds which do 5k dmg within few seconds!
On top right is the mail box with the mail “I am in need of your service”, the red arrow points to the name of the agent, his info window shows him as agent level 1, his station is “Federal Intelligence Office Assembly Plant” at the 6th moon of Halle VII, the standing drop for that faction is on the left!
Yes, someone got busted for sure - CCP, the “factchecker” and you for jumping the bandwagon and not listening to reason when it was explained!
@Kortanil This link says it’s a level 4 storyline mission.
It wasn’t a bandwagon, it was a locomotive driven by @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras and in that case I would jump on it anytime because I can trust him to know his stuff.
L1 storyline agents could give out L4 missions. As someone who is apart of the service raising standings, we know a thing or two when its mission related.
Aren’t all Storyline Agents labeled as L1? Regardless, they are the level of the 16 missions you did prior to get them. So even if it says the agent is L1, it’s an L4 mission if you got there by doing 16 L4’s. I’d think a guy who had done 56 storyline missions since 2018, and who knows how many since 2008, would have caught on to this by now.
Indeed, all storyline agents are labeled L1 in the station.
Yes they are, and it can cause confusion when you have been running both L4 and L2 missions and get a SL mission that might be at either level - nearly got caught out myself a few weeks ago; thought I was getting the L2, and it was the L4; luckily, I had been too lazy to swap out of my L4 ship.
It did cost me 9 drones though, as I had the wrong mix - luckily, they were all T1s, not faction.
It is an annoying system. Run 16 security missions but the closest storyline person is mining? You are getting a mining mission.
Have to change where I mission now because of that nonsense. Is there a place to see what regular agents are linked to what storyline agent?
You are assigned a random storyline mission at the closest avail storyline agent.
Sometimes it’s a distribution mission, sometime destruction.
My last one made me get her 1500 scordite and her label was mining
You get the closest storyline agent to your physical location upon completion of the 16th standard mission. On very rare occasions it has skipped the closest and went to the second closest for some unknown reason. I can count these instances on one hand.
It doesn’t matter what type they are. You can get a mining mission from a security agent, a distribution mission from a mining agent or a security mission from a distribution agent. Storyline agents don’t actually have a niche. All their labels are meaningless. They just give a random mission from a pool of missions. The mining ones are fairly common.
You can look up the closest storyline agent and do what’s closest to them. Or track how many you’re doing for each level and on the completion of a 15th mission, go someplace close to the storyline agent you want and complete the 16th. That’s what I do as I like my storyline agent to be of the same corp that I’m running missions for.
Shield extenders increase your warp signature, just a lot less than turning on MWD would do.
But a Harpy in a level 1 distro mission should be easy if you have played Eve for more than an hour and have the right skills.
Something is off. Check out how to engage in combat and practice. This should never happen unless you are extremely new or just dont really have a grasp on how to play.
Op, you sure it was a level 1 mission?
Even if shield extended, the Harpy still has very competitive tank per signature. It will lose to other AFs and active Harpy fits, some HAC and sufficiently blinged up T3C. At the mobility point, it loses only to other AFs.
Criticism in the OP’s fitting style goes into the fact the OP does not mention the word “assault damage control” , although it might go without saying that it was fit and also engaged when the shield buffer broke, along with the warp command.
Even if it was a LVL4 mission, a LVL4 mission with NPCs that can deal 5k dps in a “few seconds” to a harpy that doesn’t go zero transversal into a cluster of hostiles, does not exist. Even if “few seconds” is 10 seconds, which is significantly more then a Harpy would need to get out, that would still yield 500dps, which isn’t what L4 sites do to a Harpy.
A Harpy gets that level of damage from C3 wormhole sites, and that’s only if the Harpy manages to get webbed by frigate NPCs that move alot slower then the Harpy does.
Requires? A Praxis?
The damage is not done by an NPC, it’s done by the gas that the ship has to fly through in order to reach a gate that is on the other side of it! So all your theorycrafting is not applicable here and you are also missing the point of the post.
If you read the rest of the discussion you will found out what was off and if it was really a lvl 1 mission.
I’m guessing the primary issue is you expected “L1 easy mode” and therefore didn’t bother to either research or even pay much attention to the warning popup that occurs at the gate. And you just “assumed” “Hey L1 easy mode I’m good.”.
EVE has many many traps that kill you when you assume things. Everything you need to know about any mission you’re unfamiliar with is available with 10 seconds of googling:
All the details you needed are there. From what I could tell, Record Cleaning doesn’t even have an L1 version… it’s listed everywhere as L4.
wrong guess! Everything you want answered has already been discussed about here, so you should take your own advice and do a little reading here in this very thread!
I think you’re the one who needs this. Here’s the various things you missed:
- ALL storyline agents are labelled L1. That doesn’t mean all the missions they give are L1.
- There’s a popup at the gate WARNING you of the damage ahead, which you just ASSUMED would be easy to get through.
- RESEARCH any mission you’re unfamiliar with. The link I and others provided literally SAYS it’s an L4 mission, it ONLY exists as L4 (no L1 version), and further states right in it:
“Note: Seamus Donohue calculates, based on his personal observations, that the acidic cloud deals 600 damage per second as perfect omnidamage (that is, 150 EM/second, 150 thermal/second, 150 kinetic/second, and 150 explosive/second).”
As usual, a player who was lazy, not paying attention, and didn’t bother to do the research (or understand how Story agents are labelled), runs to the forums to swear up and down that his death was CCP’s fault and nothing that happened was his own responsibility.
Well, die and learn. Now you know how things work. From myself, and all the others here who took time to educate you today…