No I didn’t miss anything, you are the one who is not “listening” to what I am trying to tell you - all the stuff YOU WROTE had already been said here by others and I have argued against them - the mislabeling of the storyline missions, the lack of info IN THE MISSION BOX, that the info should be IN THE GAME not in the third party website, etc. So you are not adding anything new to the discussion!
According to the description in the wiki the distance to clear is 18km and the damage is 600dps. A Harpy clears 18km in less then 10 seconds, and if it’s tripple extended it has way more then 6k ehp and has an ADC, so clearing the cloud shouldn’t have been a problem though.
i agree with OP a level 1 mission shouldnt be this hard, it will cause losses to many new players who wouldnt expect so much difficulty in a level 1 mission.
It’s not a lvl1 mission. It’s a lvl4 storyline.
moko a level 4 storyline for a level distribution chain thats exactly the point op is right
moko a level 4 storyline for a level 1 distribution chain thats exactly the point op is right
A level 4 storyline mission is the reward for completing 16 level 4 missions.
What is “lvl1 distribution” is the classification of the agent that provides the mission, not the mission that is provided. Storyline agents always are lvl1, in order to enable players to run any storyline they have unlocked, independent of their standings at the moment they attempt to run the storyline.
The agent type classification to distribution, too, has no influence on the types of missions they hand out.
I don’t think OP ever claimed he got the storyline mission from doing a lvl 1 distribution chain.
Only that the Storyline agent was a lvl 1.
Bro, this is why I dont mess with PvE. Do PvP and economy. PvE is too much bullchit and pointless imo.
and CCP does not GIVE ALL INFO in the game… thats why 3rd party exists… Everything 3rd party, is what players HAD TO DISCOVER ON THEIR OWN. CCP’s history is to not give away all the info pertaining what is found or can be found in New Eden.
CCP win every time a player makes a loss. The game is purposefully obtuse and disigned to bait player. I do agree that new player expectations should be meet without surprise explosions but CCP think that it is fun.