There are many improvements that can be made in the game.
For example, system 0 is 80% empty space. In the other 20s, it’s a grind. The danger is only from the side of the players.
What prevents the NPC of France from becoming an active faction with a fleet, economy / production / production that can be destroyed or plundered?
They will claim the surrounding territories and attack anyone who is in the way (Players) of their expansion, including other faction NPCs.
Imagine that if you do not touch the NPCs in one region, after some time they will destroy all the strongholds and begin to expand into neighboring regions.
This will turn 0 into a really hostile space where you have to fight and not a farm with anomalies.
Bedet opened a huge layer of congtent for alliances at 0.
Or factional wars. Here we must ask the question, but how does this affect the universe of the game? Imagine that the Goonswarm Federation in full force has entered for one of the parties. What will change besides the stage of the war? Thousands of players, hundreds of supercapital ships and no result. There is no change in highsec borders, faction behavior (reaction to victory or defeat), for example, installation of monuments to the most productive pilots, bonuses for participants in the form of preferential repairs on the territory of the faction, help when requesting from an alliance participating in the militia (for example, with a large contribution, the empire can send a fleet on request to protect the citadel).
The war must be fought along the border of empires and not aside.
- I predict that the update of faction wars will be cosmetic, the order of getting LP and the way of changing the stage of the war will change.
Similarly, the growth of Sleepers in wormholes.
Make strongholds, they will send stronghold “seeds” through wormholes (can be intercepted, prevented from being planted). There will also be industry/mining. When the limit is reached, fleets will be sent through wormholes to all parts of space, other factions will fight them, because. they will attack everyone they meet.
Create a living world that lives by its own laws. Players will not be workers on monotonous plantations, but will really influence the world.
Turning highsec into nullsec and vice versa would be really cool. (naturally with the resistance of the controlling faction)
And such options for immersion in the EVE universe can come up with a lot, but not a single one will be implemented.