True enough. I feel certain that there’s a capsuleer around who’s also a shaman and tattooist, but I can’t remember who, or if they’re still active. And even if they are, that’s no guarantee of interest.
She isn’t.
I count 3…
Right. Ava. I was hoping I was wrong and my memory was getting faulty.
…Strange thing to hope for, now I think about it.
Two Cs, one c. Anyway, I’d love to help whoever steps up for the Federal representation part!
Your writing systems are awkward. Why do you write C when you don’t pronounce C?
Stop sticking to your backward linguistic legacy. Go better learn Napanii and make a step towards the future and progress. If you wish to do serious business, then learning Napanii is a must.
i dont know if im too late cause i cant be arsed to read this whole thread but: i would love to toss my hat into the ring as an artist. i can represent either matar or caldari, by blood and adoption respectively
We’ve been sort of waiting for a Matari, so you’re late, but in time as well.
m busy
che u gox this
Okay! so we have:
Me to represent the Caldari,
Loai to represent the Amarr,
Che to represent the Gallente,
and Raxi representing the Minmatar.
The four of us should probably sit down and have a planning session sometime soon. I’ll contact y’all directly.
…I am representing the Amarr? That is simultaneously very funny, and completely terrifying. I did mention I can only draw a bit, yes? The ostrich…there MUST be someone better…
I have every confidence in you, Miss Loai! Why, you did so well at the writing exhibition!
I absolutely back Loai to be the artist for Amarr, I think she will make some amazing contributions given her insights into Amarr life, culture and society that she so often regails us with.
But at a stretch, if one is absolutely needed, I am willing to stand in as a replacement.
Nobody else did anything that even remotely resembled volunteering.
You can always find some artists you like and commission them to make pieces in your stead, if you prefer.
If neither @Loai_Qerl nor @Utari_Onzo are available, I volunteer as a second tier replacement Amarr artist. (I made the LUMEN logo if it counts.)
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