CROWD SOURCING! One of CCP's most valuable assets?

Yes, you are correct. My bad :slight_smile:

Well, people who know they’ve struggled with language and know that they have bad grammar would most likely not engage in a project like this. Sure, you will always get some people who are bad but I would assume that the majority would have an above-average language knowledge. If some guy didn’t the downvotes on his translated pieces would soon make him quit.

Sure, you can, of course, get very common grammar errors in there but it’s 100 times easier for a professional translator to proofread a text that is 98% correct and fix the small errors than to translate the entire text from scratch.
So, it still saves CCP a lot of time and resources and the EVE community will get the translations 10 times quicker.

Of course, CCP could pay for it, but then they will have less money and time for something else. right?

Yes, you are Danish, so you, like me (I’m Swedish) have been brought up with extremely good English education compared to the rest of the world. We are clearly not the market for this :slight_smile: However, there are millions of Spanish and Portuguese speakers out there that don’t speak English at all. These people have been asking CCP for a translation for many years now. Remember, these are the people who know just enough English to still play the game, but there are many more people who don’t. So until we get EVE in their language, we will never see them on the server.

Bear in mind, for CCP to crowd source translations, they’d need to:

Build a system to allow people to submit translations for phrases.
Allow for a degree of voting on this, by authenticated parties
Build a pipeline to get those into the game. This pipeline would require not to have any human interaction, due to the sheer volume of text. and it’s not like CCP will always have someone who understands the language, to ensure that it’s not unsuitable language going in. (The system having been gamed. because you know this would happen)

So you have translations of, at best, dubious quality, with a delay before new features become available in them. More likely you’ll have groups gaming the system to get what they want in.

It’s one of those ideas which sounds nice, but really isn’t workable.

I don’t think that crowdsourced translations would be a good idea, but crowdsourced cosmetics are another matter. Warframe already has a system like this called TennoGen (wiki article, submissions) which allows artists to submit their creations for approval. If it’s approved, then players can buy it on the market for cash - the game’s premium currency can’t be used, only real money - and Digital Extremes gives the player a cut of each purchase.

Considering some of the amazing quality seen amongst TennoGen submissions, it’s no surprise that I can’t go to a single trade hub in Warframe without seeing at least a dozen players wearing TennoGen cosmetics! If artistically-inclined fans are really allowed to flex their skills it’s pretty likely that players would be more than willing to buy these SKINs.

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