(presuming this is the correct section in which to post my question after no joy from in-game)
‘Crusher’ Cybernetic Arm - I have both left and right and recall reading ‘in the day’ the benefit of having these cybernetics was a slight bonus to dps/mining output . Presumably the benefit has a cumulative improvement if the character is fitted with both arms. However, I am unable to find a reference and am keen to know if someone can enlighten me?
Not 100% sure but still my best bet would be @DeMichael_Crimson, maybe he knows about this.
Here’s the in-game data (including description) for reference:
However I’m not sure if it’s just flavor text as the item doesn’t seem to possess any related bonuses according to EVE Ref, though not sure if there are additional features not listed there but I assume it should list all of its properties (but can not be 100% sure either).
Thanks for trying to answer and yes, I too looked up attributes/description and even approached a senior player of 13 years for an answer. To date I have nothing definitive and don’t think this warrants bothering CCP with a ticket.
No benefits from any Apparel items to character and or ship stats… CCP made sure that wouldn’t happen due to the massive ‘Gold Ammo’ outcry from players during the infamous 2011 ‘Summer Of Rage’ protests…
@DeMichael_Crimson thanks a lot for your response, that is certainly enlightening, albeit a tad before my time (im 10 years) . Would you happen to have an official reference note I could refer to?
You can google Eve Online Summer Of Rage and Eve Online Gold Ammo protests for more info…
My Apparel collection currently consists of 760 different Men’s and Women’s items… I have all of the various types of Capsuleer Augmentations available and I can say without a doubt there is no benefit to character or ship stats when those items are on my characters…
yes, many thanks for that information. I have since googled the protests and understand how aurum was resultantly disbanded. My however is there is still nothing definite that I have read (aside from your confirmation) that states "we used to have {specifically} cybernetic apparel bonuses but these ceased due to XYZ. Maybe i’m simply overthinking this for such a ‘microtransaction’ if it wasn’t for a vague recollection from 2015 (?) that bonuses from the hands were attributed, albeit that in a minute small percentage. Yet it all counts right? lol.
And you never will find a statement like that because CCP never added any bonus to Apparel items due to the ‘Gold Ammo’ outrage during the 2011 ‘Summer Of Rage’ protests…
I started playing this game in 2008 and I can confirm there never was any bonus gained by wearing Capsuleer Augmentations… What you read in the item description is purely role play immersion…
I would not put it past them to do that these days. Modern gamers are much more susceptible and indifferent, outright expecting it even, to these things.