Don’t the people who participate in the “internally run donation drives” get what they are paying for? They do, after all use the mumble server they are donating to.
Donations for upkeep are permitted.
As long as there is A: No requirement as then it’s not a donation and B: No compensation for those who donated relative to those who didn’t.
If you only allow people who donate onto your mumble server, then it breaks the rules. If people just donate because they like the mumble server but not everyone does, you are fine.
Of course, this is all in the various rules CCP has put out there for people to read, if you could bother reading it.
It doesnt work that well as you should know, that is why there are so many goons on the CSM, 'course there few ways to fix that but it is unlikely that ccp will state only one or two members from any coalition… or have ‘seats’ designed for each area of space rather than this debacle which is basically manipulated so obviously.
This is so dumb though.
You’re gonna have people crying foul if you change it up like this. How would you even determine who is eligible from designated areas of space. Carebears will still cry if a PvP focused player was elected to represent Highsec. You can’t please everyone, and you shouldn’t try to.
The system we’ve got in place works. You want votes? Let your votes be proportional to how much you invest in the game. If that includes multiple omega accounts, congrats, you’re contributing more to the game than that Alpha venture who wants to mine for his personal wallet in some dead end corner of highsec.
Like everyone else has been saying. If the crybabies want a highsec representative, put in the legwork to actually organize. Right now, they’re all selfish and lazy, refusing to organize because they want someone else to do it for them. Tough luck, CCP’s not gonna want to hear from selfish and lazy people who can’t be assed to organize.
Yeah, maybe, kinda. I don’t see any purpose to the CSM. Just scrap it. Spend the money on better patch notes and dev blogs.
CCP Dopamine explains why.
What’s the alternative? Public “focus groups”? I hear that alternative a lot, but have huge problems with it. First and foremost, jst look at the forums and tell me that those would be useful. It’s a ton of shrieking from morons who don’t know what they’re talking about because they engage with only a minute fraction of the game overall.
On top of that, how would you discuss future changes without the NDA? CCP going to the CSM and saying, “Hey, we’re gonna do this change, what’s your perspective on how it would impact the game?” is pretty important. And because they can keep the CSM under NDA, they don’t have to worry about these discussions leaking to the public.
CCP should use their own judgment. Asking the Nullsec empires for advice is stupid. If they want player feedback, send a survey.
But they’re not asking “Nullsec empires” for advice.
They’re asking representatives of the playerbase.
Of which, the most active and organized ARE the nullsec empires.
Shouldn’t CCP get feedback from the people who are most invested in the game?
It is not exactly “invested” - it is “organized.” Why should giant organized player groups get more, uh, representation? Why are fifty disorganized mission runners getting less attention than fifty rorqual miners?
You mean all of those Omega accounts aren’t an investment?
Because they’re putting in the effort to organize.
Because they’re not putting in the effort to organize.
Those 50 disorganized mission runners could easily organize. They could easily band together and say, “hey, we want to make our voice heard too.” But they don’t. Simple as that.
Why should they need to organize? This is a game, man, not a labor union.
Why should CCP want to particularly favor customers that like being part of a big group? My money is as good as what some Goon-Stooge pays them.
Then why should CCP give a ■■■■?
Because we pay?
Then you can give your feedback via those email surveys then.
People who are able to, willing to, and put in the effort to organize and give collective information to CCP can keep doing so via the CSM.
Which is why a mechanic that taxes the hoard of existing assets is more useful than simply reducing the supply. Without some form of upkeep cost, the ‘locust fleets’ will just ensure the rich get richer and supply shortages not much concern to groups already at the top of the food chain.
Wardec changes were the best changes. Solid data behind them, good follow up on iterating them to where they are now.
I was thinking more low and wh tbh but there should be an even split, i only have 3 omega accounts btw, for about 12/13 years.
CSM is not representative of the player base, this should be changed; its really as simple as that.
In fact im not even sure thats the split as that doesnt represent players either; just the areas the ‘live’ in…
This is from r/eve. It was posted by Olmeca Gold, a current CSM member.
To Any Non-Nullbloc Candidate Thinking About Running For CSM 15
Although this year was better than some previous years, null bloc empire builder background is still overly represented in the CSM feedback. I think CCP would benefit from any increase in the diversity of expertise. To this end, I hope many of you run.
However, here is what your opponents always have;
- They have huge blocs of people willing to vote for anyone that represents their alliance identity. These people will not vote to whoever with a vision of EvE that represents them best, or based on better expertise. They’ll vote purely based on group identity.
- They have discords, jabbers, mumbles, any other form of communication mediums to motivate their memberbase for voting.
- Some of them will even go to war during the CSM week to energize their memberbase.
- They have talk shows, news websites, reddit trolls and all kinds of media outletst and social media capabilities to conduct propaganda for their candidates, and against the ones they dislike.
- They have tons of manpower to provide IT and other support for their favored candidates.
- They have the capability of assigning ballots to groups of people for the optimal use of the STV system, and controlling whether people voted accordingly, and then even punishing these people if they didn’t.
- They have exit polls to follow how many of their people actually voted, to step up efforts if need be.
- They have more alts per person than you and your friends.
- They have more ISK than you and your friends to purchase mass SP farmer votes.
- On top of all this, completely separate blocs already made deals to put each other’s candidates on their ballot lists to further consolidate their chances. These ballots have already been solidified.
If it goes like every other year, their gameplay background will again be overrepresented. Then they will blame you and your friends, who typically have none of the above assets and capabilities, for not voting.
- Have a distinct EvE vision. And come forward with it. Do AMA’s. Compile documents. Make big, elaborate, well-argued posts about Eve problems. Where do you want to see EvE in 10 years? Even if you don’t get elected, you’d be amazed how many people at CCP actually reads these.
- Do interviews. Support streamers. Support tournaments. Send memes to the Eve facebook group. Spam local in trade hubs.
- Try to do something outside the box. Attract folks who don’t even know you. Don’t expect your friends and friends of friends to vote for you
- Try to get folks united. FW folks, WH folks, HS folks, folks from every other underrepresented background. Get each other’s candidates somewhere in your ballots. You can always vote for your favorite candidate #1.
- Whatever you’re doing, start working on it now. Your opponents started the process months ago.
I hope many of you get elected this year. Godspeed.
I don’t think the people here being negative about the reality of a real Highsec CSM member are just not trying. It’s been tried and Olmeca’s insight shows just how bad the cards are stacked.
If you’re referring to the data released at Eve Vegas, then I’d have to disagree. They didn’t publicly release any data that showed any correlation between retention and wars. If it’s there I’m also very skeptical of their ability to discern between if it was Wardecs driving people away or a combination of various issues. I’ll wait and hold judgement till this global pandemic is over.
Also, have you ever done Wardecs at all? I’m curious as to what experience you have with them to believe that the changes have been “good”. If you’re referring to the ability to be immune to war, that’s understandable. If you’re saying that the current state of the daily function and activity of wars, I’d have to very much disagree with you.
Why should there be an “even split”?
According to former CCP_Quant, back in 2015, the overwhelming majority of players were located in High Sec, yet year after year, they fail to organize in any meaningful way to elect a self-proclaimed HS candidate.
Wormholes have also consistently had the lower percentage of players in the game, so why should they have an “even split” of CSM representation?.
Source: (from 2015)
First explain to my why we need an “even split” to begin with. Then explain to me how you would go about determining eligibility of CSM candidates based on regional security status.
What’s stopping Goons from proposing a character as a LowSec or High Sec candidate in your system and just voting for them and winning through sheer numbers?
What arbitrary cutoffs will you use to try and wiggle around your position to fit your claims?
It’s almost like the game mechanics promote large ‘tribes’ in Null and don’t promote that in high.
And playing the metagame is a long term Null gameplay thing, which does include the CSM.
Really, you should know better, why are you bleating the old tired lines about highsec.
Actually this year might be different
2nd largest alliance is now a HS one