CSM 14 Second Summit Meeting Minutes

I really need to drop in there, soon


I will be running again



Maybe CSM should talk about this https://m.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=wHL4Fd-5xLw&feature=youtu.be


And how do you stop people bluing each other?

(and don’t give me “remove standings.” or “standings which only last 2 weeks.” Those wouldn’t work.)

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I miss flying with you Krany


Pretty sure because the amount of ship lost is less than the LP payout, and people can choose who to shoot so they’d shoot their alts. These missions might be: “try to kill this guy (chosen by rng) who has terrible standings with us and who is active every day.” They can be even exclusively sent by sansha’s nation to target incursion runners and that could be balancing.

Why not? CCP wants to provide login rewards to players that are non-transferable so they don’t screw up the economy. I don’t particularly see a problem with that. If you could trade and sell these items, they’d have to be so useless that nobody would do that or else you’d have the player base screaming that they’re distorting the market.

Now, could they have done this better? Sure. But that’s the reasoning behind it.


This is mostly BS. Yes, there are some CSM members who are self serving. But as Mittens says all the time, nobody wants to rule over a dead universe, so there is zero incentive for CSM members in nullblocs to demand and somehow convince CCP to buff their playstyles at the expensive of all the other areas of the game.

If you look at most of the major changes of the last two years or so - most of them have been changes that impact the entire game, and the new things added have all been geared towards everyone. You can run abyssal sites everywhere. The complaints some folks in high sec had about abyssals, for instance, were heard and fixed. New missions, changes to WH space, FW, balance changes that impact everyone - that’s the bulk what has been worked on. Only things like blackout only impacted nullsec, and that was largely negative for most of the big groups whose members sit on the CSM.

So where, exactly, is their bias towards their own playstyles being translated into things that only benefit them? It really isn’t. This is a baseless charge that is only bolstered by the handful of anecdotal self-dealing that happens that shouldn’t. That’s the exception, not the rule.

Nobody on the CSM is going to advocate for measures to break up null alliances, because those aren’t necessary. AS for “using vast numbers of members to fuel monetisation from third party sites” I have no idea what you’re talking about. This isn’t 2013. Most people buy their plex directly from CCP these days, not third party affiliated sites unless it’s something like Markee Dragon, who has been around forever.


I had a long talk with the guy who made that.

And that was remedied quickly, while all the other things that people didn’t want or do not want to put up with just get complained about with no end.

Do you think we don’t notice?


Two months was quickly?

That is one brutal video. Wish the “slides” would go a bit slower, but I could pause and enjoy(?) every one.


Compared to everything else. Years for other issues - if they were fixed at all.


Well, like instead of just being like “Hurr durr Eve is harsh! Hurr durrrr PVP GAME! GTFO!” we do the ONE THING that would put a stop to this bluing crap and make this a true PVP game with conflict based on the one thing that has driven conflict throughout all human history:

Make resources finite.

Until then, it’s all fake, it’s all self-aggrandizement, and it’s all endless blobs from endless ISK faucets and magically endless resources.

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This never works in a long term MMO. It only works in battle royales and periodical games because soon enough the universe runs out and everything stagnated.
Oddly enough those are the sorts of games that attract everyone to the biggest alliance also so as to be on the winning side and lead fastest to the blue donut situation.

Again, it’s simply below the level of concern for me. If CCP decide to make changes I don’t like I will just leave. I’m not invested enough to look for someone to ask for change.

I podded all my clones that I haven’t used recently because the easter even meant I got about half of them back. I think the idea was to give gankers something to do, instead I just gave myself half the isk back.

Nothing personal, and you are 100% right. If I was asked my opinion on a game mechanic I’d have to put some effort into a response which I can’t be bothered to do. I give two examples above of parts of the game that changed, and the result was I just stopped using them. And I just thought of a third, jump clones die if a structure is killed. I stopped using clone bays in structures. It’s the easiest solution for someone who isn’t bothered.


I just opend a new community, and you sir are most welcome :slight_smile:
League of Lunatic’s, come say hi
:heart: be save hon K


Have you seen what has happened, with the step taken in that direction?

Au contraire, this is maybe the Silver bullet. The moment Imperium breaks up in a full scale civil war, EvE nullsec has a bright future.

One important measure is the removal of third party EvE intel on people. Make APIs lie, and sharing with others a bannable offense, you get the point. Mass anonymous groups which rely on API supervision must be destroyed. Trust shall be the most important currency.


I don’t agree with everything you said, but you get a like for this one sir.