CSM 15 Week 1 Update

The first week is spent doing a lot of ‘onboarding’ and setting up various communication protocols with CCP. A meeting with both old and new council is scheduled but do not expect huge changes as this is mainly a transfer of power and meeting the new team kind of week.

Dunk Dinkle did fantastic job in the past year of keeping you up to date and I only hope we (CSM 15) manage to do the same.

As for contact points? I will be asking the other CSM members if they want to put their names out there and how to get in touch with them. Me? I am in these forums often, In reddit r/eve about once a week because that is what I found I can tolerate. On Twitter I am @mikeazariah and the same on twitch, the few times that I stream. Discord only when invited or a meeting is set (too noisy for me)

If you have questions, concerns, etc, feel free to comment below or via one of the contact methods listed above.



You beat me to the punch, Mike. :slight_smile:


Just this once, it is a good day, feel free to add on or pile on.


Will we see a new mascot for CSM15?
Snooters was out standing in his field last year.


Tripp and Archie will probably have to duel each other for the honor. They both got their own campaign video, but Archie’s has more views so he thinks he’s the obvious choice. He’s also a cat, so he’d think that anyway.

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