CSM 17 Information Station!

Just wanted to chime in to say I’m going to clean up the off-topic posts. I strongly encourage and embrace meaningful discourse and discussions, especially as it pertains to the CSM. However, low-effort troll posts will not be tolerated. You may think it’s fun, but what it actually does is stifle voices that I personally would be glad to hear from.

As a player I was proud to be on CSM 6 & 7, and running the CSM is a task I’m very honored to have. The amount of time and dedication both the CSM and CCP put into this venture is something unmatched in gaming. It is, of course, not our only way to communicate with players - though it’s a unique body that provides tremendous value. If you don’t believe that to be the case, I’m here as a resource to answer any and all questions to demonstrate otherwise.

Off-topic posts, or those in violation of the EVE Online Forum Moderation Policy, will be removed and offending parties may have their forum privileges suspended.