Another week of the summer has gone by and meetings continue. As always I do not tell you what we talk about but I can predict that when it comes out we will be accused of doing too much, too little, ruining hisec and/or null and ignoring wormholes and lowsec. (based on long experience)
So, since I cannot tell you what we talk about, I thought I might enlighten you on HOW we talk. We have weekly meetings, live, they last about an hour and a half as they are scheduled to be one hour. This past week was unusual in that we did not have at least one secondary meeting with one team or another.
In addition to the weekly meeting(s) we have a few other avenues of access. A Slack is set up for pinging and direct text conversations. It is sorted by general categories, each inhabited by one or more teams as well as the higher up folks in the CCP foodchain. (That is a Burger joke, stay with me, son, stay with me) Allowing for timezones is part of the key to the Slack, not everything is answered right away because while I am typing? They is sleeping. And vice versa.
Lastly come the Wiki. This is where full proposals get floated, larger bullet-pointed lists, from both sides. I have started a few pages there, New Player Experience, for example. Feedback can be posted and specific conversations and comments logged. While this is the most detailed information transfer method it also feels (to me) to be the most passive.
The last method . . . the summit . . . is the opposite. It is the strongest tool and used to happen twice a year. But we are in a new world (and it is not a Brave one) and it is questionable where we will be come the time for a summit. If the world is still in the grips of Covid-19 then there are good odds that this will be a CSM term without a summit.
Understand that this is not me whining about not getting to go to Iceland. (Been there, seen the rotting sharks head.) It is a worry that we will be less effective as a result of the loss of this key tool. But who knows? Nothing has been decided as yet. I will keep you updated (or someone will)
So what does this mean for you? Well if you have read this far I know you are curious about how things are done in the CSM, maybe you have opinions on how CCP could make the game better. WE are the ones you talk through to CCP. Now I cannot speak for my fellow Council members but I will take notes when buttonholed in local or one of the many other channels I inhabit. I will not always agree with you but if you make a reasonable case I will let you know if I am carrying it forward (or if I am not) I have a small moleskine notebook, decorated with stickers by @Rixx_Javix, in which I keep CSM related notes etc. When the time comes? I hit the book and bring up the questions as the situation calls for it.
The CSM has Slack, Meetings, and a Wiki with CCP devs
Summit is a maybe . . .
I am still listening.