CSM Candidates, make your stance known - Asset drop rollback

Look at it from CCP’s point of view - in computing terms storing all this stuff costs them real money, for people who aren’t even playing (and therefore not adding to CCP’s income) - why should they keep it all safe forever ?

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That’s nonsense.

Yes they should keep it all, the ‘cost’ is negligible, essentially zero. If it was an expensive issue, they could have started by deleting all characters in Doomheim along with their assets, after all they were all deliberately deleted… (currently you can request a ‘resurrection’ so the data is still all there).

Stuff isn’t being “deleted”. They’re being looted and re-circulated into the game by a very small group of players (especially those who exploited Sisi for weeks to earmark citadels that dropped valuable loot).

So it now belongs to people who actually play…


For now.

So those who are maybe ill, on duty, busy with work, raising children, otherwise distracted in life - you do have a life outside of Eve I assume… they can all just ■■■■ off?

Edit: If they had done this last time I took a break, they wouldn’t now have 8 omega accounts (or all my alpha accounts)

Edit 2: Just checked a semi related thread, elsewhere - people with 1 to 150 accounts. Nearly all long term players have taken breaks, they are also more likely to have multiple accounts…

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Let me be clear, I’m not in favor of asset safety in any form.

But NPC stations give you the closest thing to ‘safe’.

You want your own little ‘castle in the clouds’?

Then prepare to defend it, maintain it or watch it burn.

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So who should I vote to protect Jita?

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Jita will never fall

At the end of days, Jita will fall!

Help Zorya take it over - push it into lowsec :smiley:
Make Niarja null.
Make uedama null.

I’m talking about people who’ve been absent for years, not sure who you’re talking about.

If they’re Alpha accounts why should they still have stuff - they don’t support the game, why should it support them ?

I see no issue for asset safety removal for low or abandoned structures.

If a player wishes to take a break from the game they can A:) remove items from structure to an NPC station until they return or B:) keep 6+ months of fuel blocks in structure, keeping it on full power and giving yourself the needed break you desire.

There are real life tragedies that do occur and someones station may become a target due to inactivity. I believe this would include a very small percentage of solo players and perhaps CCP could look at this issue on a case by case basis. I do not believe it is CCP’s intention to punish players due to a sudden, life changing situation.

A good corp and role structure should nullify any other scenario of any single player leaving the game suddenly.

For anyone that rage quits over a certain new feature or someone just growing bored with the game and does not take the necessary precautions to protect their assets; no sympathy from me.


Going forward, absolutely fine - but retrospectively when people will not be aware of changes, but had previously been guaranteed asset-safety by CCP?

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But this change doesn’t discern, does it. It affects anyone who has taken time out…

The null sec blocs stand to gain trillions of ISK from this fiasco. CCP basically bought half of the CSM with the promise of loot.

This is corrupt AF.


Yes, a lot of prep was put in on the test server looking for potential structures/loot pinatas to bash post patch - but anyone ‘could’ have done that.

We’ve already seen one drop in excess of 5 Trill isk of T2 BPOs…

I am still alright with it. I take breaks all the time, but still watch for patches or news that may effect my assets or play style in the game and I mostly work from NPC stations. There are stations that have been abandoned for years and some only for weeks. It’s the risk you take when deploying your own structure.

I no longer play in null sec for fear of being locked out of a station and having my assets frozen or destroyed. To me it’s just part of the game.

Maybe CCP could install a cut off date like July 1 or Sept 1 where a player has the option to petition to get his stuff replaced?

I don’t know what the answer is, but somewhere along the way the responsibility needs to shift to the structure owner. The asset drop encourages the removal of spammed structures all over high sec, which is a very good thing.

Null sec will never be happy as long as high sec exists. The CSM have always served their own interests, which is null sec interests instead of the entire player base. CCP has always catered to null sec and the CSM reps even though it is well known that major rules like botting and RMT are broken all the time.

There are really only two options, either take it with a smile or pack up and leave.

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Makes me wonder which null sec bloc will benefit from the re-introduction of those T2 BPOs, courtesy of CCP. Almost seems like deja vu…

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