CSM Candidates, make your stance known - Asset drop rollback

So when will the trading Keepstar in Perimeter be sent in abandoned state on purpose? Asking for a friend…

There are far too many stations that are left to rot all over eve. This change was made to not only rectify this, but encourage destruction. Eve only works if there is destruction, it’s a harsh reality.

Military personnel are always aware they could be called away at a moment’s notice. Their cars, bills, and personal affairs are taken care of in cases of deployment by either themselves quickly before heading out or by trusted people. Eve assets should be no different if they care that much.

For others, life happens. You can’t play a persistent online game like Eve with the expectation your stuff will always be safe in places it may not be. You rely on your corp/alliance mates to keep things going in your stead.

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If it happened, it’d be hilarious. That said, you get a very healthy forewarning via evemail.

I’m under the impression they already do.

And military personnel managed when all their stuff burned down with the old POS’s.

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Except when you are specifically informed it will be safe…


Well as others have said, that was a mistake from the start :slight_smile:

It’s still safe, with the caveat that the owner entity is doing their job. Risk vs reward.

I will vote against any candidate that advocates this rollback.


Oooh scary threat :rofl: :crazy_face:

None. You can’t do any real scale manufacture our of few bpos.

Not a threat, that’s how voting works.

What are you 12?

so, you huff and puff and blow it all down?

Knickers in a twist? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :clown_face:

im a solo player and im with @Jayce_Fitzpatrick… on this one …GOD O GOD , BARF … OOOO GOOOD :nauseated_face:
why a solo dude would want to have a station? This is the pew pew game not the sims …


command f low and solo

first time i vote for CSM … work … ok?

Take it easy with that Cachaça. Isn’t it too early to be drinking?

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we use to be on oposite sides on this forum things
i was jk bro :smiley:
nice of you to mention the Cachaça , felt personal :heart:

have a good one here but its to early you are right lolololol

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That was probably a fake news or a test server kill. T2 destroyer BPOs should not exist in EvE, at all, unless some corruption happened again or its a bug, and you can see Eris on a screenshot.

Erm, T2 Destroyer BPOs do exist…

CCP allowed nullblocs to bash structures for weeks on Sisi to find where the T2 BPOs and other jackpot items were hiding. Combing through old player ESI data for assets worth bashing their own stations.

Is it any coincidence the loot density was so high, so fast?

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ye, i forgot about dictors. Dont see them often (except for sabres) and thought it was a command destroyer BPO instead.

They are the reason the CSM exists…!