CSM PUBLIC Meeting live ts3

every pilot is invited
and all csm, s who want to use it
liaison officer for csm or reporter info
(Discord) Dakota Durand#6073
Dakota Durand

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part 3 Attention everyone! There is an upcoming PUBLIC Meeting at the 09.05.2021 at 18:00 ET on the RHP TS (ts.respect-honor-passion.de ) - We will welcome special guests along the way.
Candidates for the Voting for the CSM16 and guests:
It’s a rare thing that doesn’t happen often and will be very intresting too
So, if you can be there, be there. Where they will make propaganda for themself and their problems. your goals Respect Honor Passion Dakota Durand#6073 is the liaison officer

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We invite by random order and check if we can also fit some Candidates opposing each other in their campaigns. But over all we just invite random order.

:sunglasses: :de: :uk:

part 3 Attention everyone! There is an upcoming PUBLIC Meeting at the 09.05.2021 at 18:00 ET on the RHP TS (ts.respect-honor-passion.de ) - We will welcome special guests along the way.
Candidates for the Voting for the CSM16 and guests:
Rixx Javix
Dr. Spodumain

Today 06:00 pm Evetime (20:00 Uhr DZ) 3rd round of CSM-Talk on RHP Teamspeak. Come by and listen to the CSM-Candidates and their programs.

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