Cult of the Lash: Local Guild?

I’ve been hearing a lot about the cult of the Lash, and how it is important to visit suffering upon others.

This makes sense, as the total sum of human suffering is a fixed constant, and visitations upon others bode well for us. I was wondering if anyone else might be interested in exploring these sacred teachings. For now, I am trying to hunt down miners in Empire space. If they must suffer, at least it will be for my benefit!

I recall hearing this name from some Imperial pilots who apparently now retracted from public appearance. If I recall correctly, one of the pilots even asked me to whip her and brought me a leather lash. I don’t actually remember whether it was an Amarrian or not, I just remember that interaction was rather awkward and she appeared very… angry… after I forced her to dress up. I hoped to exercise some martial arts with her, but she ran away even before I beat her up.

Do you know where she went?

I question whether anyone of a True Amarrian Bloodline is involved is this “group”. Rather than an organic movement, I always felt this was a Gallentean plot.

The only incident in my history as a capsuleer involving a suspected Cult of the Lash ship resulted in a large of amount of local Gallentean “Mercenaries” responding quickly to defend it.

I would think citizens would be better served by joining and approved cult. Cyber Knights regularly patrol the belts for illegal behavior. They do so as paragons of justice who help the citizenry and workers out of the kindness of their heart :gift_heart:

I just think it’s important to understand the finite nature of suffering.

This idea seems like a triumph of hope over experience. Given stuff like cyclical violence it seems much more like intentionally inflicting suffering not only expands but maybe even multiplies it.

… Also, there’s a huge amount of room in “finite.” The time between now and the likely heat-death of the universe is large, but it’s not infinite.

I think maybe you mean “fixed,” “set,” and/or “zero-sum.” And that you’re stupidly wrong.

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That’s nonsense. The sum total of all suffering in the universe is a finite constant, ergo, if you cause suffering to a miner then suffering will be lessened for other more deserving capsuleers. We must strive to ensure that miners experience maximal suffering, in order to ensure our own happiness and wellbeing.

… That’s the sort of “creed” that reads like an atheist’s take on faith: make up nonsense to justify doing whatever horrible thing you want, then do it, as though the primary purpose of faith were to justify sadism.

Literally true or not, though, proper religions tend to have a lot of wisdom to them. There can be a lot of folly mixed in, but they’re ways people have survived, and often thrived, believing, for hundreds or thousands of years.

That’s a lot of troubles weathered. Time’s a pretty decent method for sorting good advice from bad.

This one? … Just a good example of how lost our class can easily become: the sort of place we’ll go for a bit of nasty fun, and how far we’ll take the joke.

Don’t think we need wait a thousand years to be able to say that.