O Drifters! How the wrath of the Amarr God does wax so very, very large against you. Being a type of Jove, you share in the collective guilt of the Jovian people for your many crimes against Amarr from the treachery of Vak’Atioth onward. This, however, was not enough sin and guilt for you. Now, you heap up wrath for yourself in God’s great storehouse of wrath by irradiating Amarrian monks — a crime that isn’t even benefiting you very much since capsuleers are destroying your torture machines and snatching your test data.
There is a better way. God in his sovereign wisdom has created a people even more hated — even more given over to destruction — than you, Jovians. A people upon whom you may test radiation without heaping up even more wrath for yourself. I speak, of course, of slaves. But not just any kind of slaves. MINMATAR SLAVES. Due to their collective guilt for rebellion against God and Empire, you may irradiate Minmatar without incurring further sin.
Deep in the Raa system, I have deployed mobile depots filled with Minmatar slaves. Irradiate them as you please. Soon, however, you will need more test subjects, and therefore I propose to you a deal. Imprisoned within LUMEN infirmary is a brain injury patient, @Yun-Hee_Tight-lips_Yubari, for whom I care very much. With your advanced Jovian technology, you can break her out of her hospital room, cure her of her brain injuries, and then return her to me. Do this, and I will use my rights and powers as a capsuleer to supply you with vast numbers of Minmatar slaves for your irradiation testing. So many test subjects for so small a task. I await your response. Amarr Victor.