Cluster wide Drifter crisis

So-- ah-- additional note?

We saw one of these Scrutinizers today at Tadadan, set up outside a monastery.

I mean, there are things I can’t blame people for not liking about the Amarr, but a monastery?! They’re places for spiritual growth and learning. They’re the kinds of places that lead to people like our Friar Savnar, who’s one of the most good-natured people I’ve met. His worst sin is maybe not having much imagination when it comes to what people are actually capable of.

So, sure, he’s a little sheltered. There are so many worse things to be.

… And those are the kinds of people the Drifters are testing in this way. Not even, like, butchering them and painting their hulls red to prove how wrathful and unforgiving they are-- just dispassionately testing them to death.

Once upon a time I might have willingly given up at least a clone’s life to give these beings a way to communicate with us. I mean, I even actually tried-- bailed out of my Confessor in the middle of a Hive op and requested docking at the Hive ring itself.

… now …

I … might feel about them the way they seem to feel about us. I don’t think I care very much what they have to say anymore.

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