Here is a topic to exchange information and theories about the new Drifter crisis that has just started.
It appears that the Drifters are conducting experiments on civilians who are kidnapped and forcibly taken into these structures.
Here is a topic to exchange information and theories about the new Drifter crisis that has just started.
Kidnapping doesn’t results but in any case, these structures looks like a “very giant” version of the TBSes and that would be terrible.
Need to find immediately a way to prevent even the anchoring of one of those scrutinizers.
I can’t believe they’re giving us the Spicy Structure with the Profideous Scrutinizer. Imagine what information those Braking [sic] Point Parameters hold. “Screamed in pain until they threw up and died.”
Truly the Drifters are close to a massive scientific breakthrough with that knowledge.
Oh look, horrors beyond comprehension.
Valerie Valate validated.
Professor Valerie Valate, if you will.
Since this thing supposedly at least tangentially involves archaeology, what with Jovian doodads doing something or other, then my professional credentials as Archprofessor of Archaeology at Kaztropolis Imperial University are relevant.
Did you ever encounter evidence of a Jovian Torture Nexus at any point in your studies? Genuinely asking or if this is a Drifters Original that they cooked up seemingly just to galvanize the Empires into realizing that between them and John Deathless the Drifters are in fact the more vile, inhuman threat.
I mean, anyone could have put people into an industrial microwave before… But why would you? Why would anyone?
Well, Jovian malarkey wasn’t my field, but consider this.
That “scrutiniser” dingus, testing the response of the inhabitants of a structure, would provide information on the radiation tolerances of humans.
But that information is hardly new to any space-capable civilisation, and certainly not new information to the Jovians. This is scientific information that in the case of Amarr, would be more than two thousand years old, dating back to the first Amarr spaceflights, where the radiation present outside of a planetary atmosphere would be a new and unknown phenomenon.
The only entities that I am aware of, who lack scientific information on the radiation tolerances of humans, are the Rogue Drones.
Which means that the Drifters here, don’t have access to the full Jovian archives of scientific information, or are doing this for some bizarre form of entertainment.
Which is something to think about - if the Drifters don’t have access to the Jovian archives, then their ability to innovate and develop new technologies is limited, which provides an opportunity to get inside their decision-making loop and beat them.
And if they’re doing it for fun, then that shows they lack focus on achieving objectives, which provides a different opportunity to get inside their decision loop.
They have fun killing us, we have fun killing them. And on and on the wheel turns
Anyone gonna form up a posse?
If they do indeed want to test human reactions to radiation, what if it was to develop such weapons against us?
While out studying structures that had been recently built or appeared during the crisis, I noticed that a Deathless research outpost was close to my location, so I decided to head there to gather information and destroy it.
Well, to be honest, they already have much more effective weapons available.
That’s what makes this even stranger, unless they either want to specifically make people suffer or just kill them without using orbital bombardment or conventional weapons that could destroy resources and structures they might want to seize.
… Sadly not beyond comprehension.
So, what the Drifters have set up here is a way to study the effects of various adverse circumstances on a population in a controlled way. Gathering a large dataset and finding various breaking points for different portions of the population allows for efficient deployment of a variety of tactical and even strategic measures.
Examples would be things like: deploying measures that kill all but the physically-strongest 10%, then harvest those; killing implanted inviduals such as cyberknights and harvesting the relatively-helpless baseliners; killing adults, leaving children; eliminating children and elderly, leaving mature adults for harvest; killing everybody who’s not a clone, or the reverse; eliminating ethnic minorities within a population to reduce genetic diversity of the harvest (allowing, for example, for more standardized … procedures upon receipt, whatever that might mean); and so on.
Then there’s stuff like: at what point do people fall unconscious? Become unable to think or act effectively? Surrender to despair and just wait to die? End themselves? And so on.
It seems likely that the material taken from the Jove Observatories was insufficiently focused for their needs. They’ll be looking to build weapons or techiques for using existing ones based on this data.
“Horrors beyond comprehension” would be better said of a Drifter element; that’s something we don’t even have the language to describe. This is just … pursuit of useful data by horrible means, possibly with a side-goal of terrifying the target population (being pretty much all of New Eden).
I haven’t actually been into these sites yet myself so I might misunderstand something, but I think the basic intention is pretty clear.
So, yeah-- not all that hard to grasp.
So-- ah-- additional note?
We saw one of these Scrutinizers today at Tadadan, set up outside a monastery.
I mean, there are things I can’t blame people for not liking about the Amarr, but a monastery?! They’re places for spiritual growth and learning. They’re the kinds of places that lead to people like our Friar Savnar, who’s one of the most good-natured people I’ve met. His worst sin is maybe not having much imagination when it comes to what people are actually capable of.
So, sure, he’s a little sheltered. There are so many worse things to be.
… And those are the kinds of people the Drifters are testing in this way. Not even, like, butchering them and painting their hulls red to prove how wrathful and unforgiving they are-- just dispassionately testing them to death.
Once upon a time I might have willingly given up at least a clone’s life to give these beings a way to communicate with us. I mean, I even actually tried-- bailed out of my Confessor in the middle of a Hive op and requested docking at the Hive ring itself.
… now …
I … might feel about them the way they seem to feel about us. I don’t think I care very much what they have to say anymore.
I have been informed that old data has been recovered from “Observatory Infiltration” sites and that this data is being sought by the empires intelligence agencies, I will try to recover copies of them and post their contents here.
Here is the data.
“Gleaned Correspondents”
“Gleaned Directive”
“Gleaned Static”
The dates are incomplete but one could think that these texts date from the 22000s, it seems that they were written by Jovians of the second empire. It could even be that they were written towards the end of the era of the second empire.
But what catches my attention is the mention of the “Finite Infinite” which was mentioned in the journal of Yosef Okada.
Hits hard, doesn’t it ? The realisation that some people/beings/entities are beyond your ability to persuade ? That they are doomed to continue on their course until their end, despite all your efforts to save them.