In light of @Aradina_Varren satirical thread for those wanting to be friends with these freaks we call Drifters.
I decided I make a thread we can discuss our displeasure for this filth loitering in our space…But without the satirical tone.
I’ve been very open about how I feel about these Drifters. I’ve done more than just scream mean words at them. I’ve done my part to hasten the eradication of three “Deathballs” thus far. Not only though joining in the offensive, but also in transporting ships to staging points. Can’t expect a warrior to go into battle unarmed, can we?
These creatures have no place here. No matter how many wanna cry and argue that they’re human, they’re not. They’re nothing more than filth. Soulless and void of any traitas that would make them human.
So I say enough with this call for peace with this scum. We just treat them like the rogue drones with their false sentience and rip them apart when sighted. Clean up known-space to keep it safe and under control by naturally born humans such as ourselves.
Some alphabet may currently be uncovered to communicate with them. But really it say we just use that to tell them to out of our affairs and return to their shithole they call wormhole space. Tell them to store up their defensives so they can make one good last stand before we go in and cut put this tumor infecting the Maker’s world.
I refuse to co-exist with these abominations that did not enter this world though natural means. Just look at them, what part of them even is organic with all those disgusting augmentations?
As Capsuleers, I think it is our duty - No - Responsibility to stomp put these mutants instead of giving in to the veiws of those that just want to accept them. That tell us to lower our guards so they can stab us in the back like the wretched creatures they are.
To those that aren’t afraid to speak out about Drifters, keep up the good work. To those still arrogant of their threat to the balance of nature. I hope you wise up soon before its to late.
Given how this is also the IGS and on display for baselines of the cluster to read and lurk. I implore you to spread the word. I know there’s plenty of parties filled with nothing but bleeding heart pacifists who echo the misguided sympathy of some of our fellow Capsuleers.
So i ask you - I ask everyone - regardless of your status in this world - To not show fear in speaking out about the Drifters. Do not be afraid to call for their destruction. You are not alone and will find like-minded company very soon.
To those that fight Drifters, keep up the good work.