Cultural exchange: finding your sweetheart

From where I was born, the Caldari State offers the services of match-making agencies to the average citizen. Requests can be made to these various agencies if one finds someone that they like, but it’s not always an easy task to conclude a marriage arrangement if the individual of your affection falls outside the strict criteria that can be imposed, such as caste or bloodline, or downright impossible in some certain situations. Culturally, society can give a dim view if one rocks the boat and love, even if honestly and genuinely given to another, can be forsaken in the interest of maintaining stability and the ‘right’ way of doing things. That is not to say it is not impossible, my parents married and were from separate castes (military on my father’s side, science caste on my mother’s), but is not the common thing to be done.

As a capsuleer, I fell outside the traditional caste system and thus never considered the match-making system as a viable choice to find a partner, romantic or otherwise. I also never considered the possibility of marriage until very recently, my career and duties having taken priority for the last decade of my life.

Where I am now residing in the Northern Colonial Commonwealth, the customs here appear to be a blend of the civilisations of both Luminaire homeworlds. In particular, the Republic of Lyace from Gallentia and the Kingdom of Sudenmark from Cephalin/Caldari.

I’m still learning about the myriad of intricacies involved in Commonwealth courtship and weddings whenever I get the moment to conduct research. I am also eagerly awaiting the opportunity to discover the customs and traditions of a certain culture, so that when the time comes when my name and line is joined with another, I am able to combine my own as part of my identity, whilst also respecting and honouring theirs.


Finding a capsuleer who also happens to be a straight Civire man with a similar hair, eye and skin colour is nigh-impossible. But if I did meet one, I would try to discover whether he is likable, and if so, I would ask the CMA to check whether anything stands in the way of putting a ring on him.

I wonder if perhaps it was fate that less than one month after publicly sharing from what was largely a private relationship, that said relationship would finally start to change. Ten years seems like a long time for capsuleer relationships. I was proud of that achievement, but I think I may have been holding on too tightly to something that has passed. The inertia of our marriage seems to have turned into a weight, and as my eyes finally opened to the situation, I found myself bearing that weight alone.

It’s been an interesting month. A lot of introspection, a lot of changes, and a very welcome new beginning.

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