Current Loot System (PvP)

No, its not.

You can’t steal isk.

off course you can. but that need a different type of play style

I can’t steal isk but I can steal assets :wink:

You can steal rats though.

Not your specific loot tard, randomly generated rewards for pvp activity.


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Can’t maintain grid presence or alt presence, please be more specific.

Even worse idea, adding items into the game for no reason.

Not comparing the two and I agree they are different. Player interaction is being rewarded for taking part in activities with corp mates.

Competing for loot… or who has the alts readily available?

LOL you’re concerned about logi pilots? haha

Adding items?

Speaking as one who routinely flies, and loses, retardedly expensive PvP frigates: HELL NO!

Depending on how fickle Mademoiselle Loot Fairy is feeling, there cam easily be north of ISK150m of shiny mods in my wrecks.

Why should that ‘automatically’ go to those who popped me? (GF in any event)

My mates should have the chance of looting my wreck. Hell I should have the chance to loot my own wreck if I can reship fast enough. And yes, the ninja looters should also have a crack at it.

I actually managed to do exactly that earlier today. Nabbled almost my whole fit back after burning like mad.

If I could suggest ONE small change, looting should break immunity. Currently, it’s possible for an insta-warp ceptor to warp in, loot and warp off again without becoming lockable. Opening a can or wreck should break the brief invulnerability you have once you land.


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