Customizable station interiors

If walking in stations ever gets re-added, there will need to be places to walk to and around. My suggestion is to have areas that represent the equipment and modifications that a station has fitted. Rooms and machines can be placed inside these areas to further augment and specialize the capabilities of the station. For example the station might have a time efficiency research rig equipped corresponding to a laboratory area; One could place a room that increases the speed of 8% → 10% time efficiency research by 10% but increases cost of all research by 5%. Furthermore the interior layout and aesthetic of the room could be customizable, making each station more unique. Other areas that instead correspond to non-module station functions such as hangers or offices would have similar customization options. Each area would have a limited number of room/machine (at that scale they are the same) slots so that a station couldn’t just equip them all and do everything. To prevent loading screens monorails or other modes of transport (taxis, hyperloops, multidirectional elevators, et cetera) could be used to move between different areas. While I have only mentioned areas corresponding to station functions and modules, custom areas that are neither such as gardens, museums (for displaying items), stores, conference rooms, or any room or area that serves no function besides decoration (though you might have placeable objects that open a window such as the market info for some item) could also be added. If planetary industry is to interact with the EVE FPS than a similar system could be used to generate and modify the interiors.

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It wont be added back

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Let walking in stations go dude.

Get on the hype train that is EVE FPS.

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