Dark Shines for CSM 18

  1. What do CCP get correct?
  2. What do CCP get incorrect?
  3. What do you wish existed in-game that doesn’t?
  4. What exists in-game that you wish didn’t?
  5. What exists in-game that you think ought to continue to exist?
  6. What doesn’t exist in-game that you hope never comes into existence?
  7. How would you improve PI?
  8. How would you improve the entire corporation UI?

Sorry for the delayed reply.

  1. I think CCP’s dedication to Eve is their biggest gold star. They make mistakes along the way, but the enthusiasm and excitement you can see from CCP employees is always very telling.

  2. Some of their, what i’m assuming are, management decisions about game direction and development have been absolutely atrocious and the messaging around it tone deaf. Scarcity being one of the biggest ones.

From the outside looking in it appears to be a lack of knowledge on the actual in game reality, something I would hope to be able to help with if elected.

  1. I would love to see a massive expansion on Capitals and to raise the overall ceiling on ships. Wether its T2 Titans, or some new mega titan, or non-combat capitals that could perform another task that doesn’t instantly make the biggest groups OP.

I love the idea of a new class that would siege on a wormhole and “doomsday” it, transferring massive amounts of energy into it to stabalise the Mass.

Or something :wink:

  1. Auto repair timers, I wish they didn’t exist. I would love for CCP to bring back manual repair timers as part of an overall structure redesign to reduce empire sprawl, especially in Null sec.

  2. Conduit jumping with Blops and Rorquals. This was a fantastic mechanic and I’d love to see more thinking like this from CCP.

  3. Golden Ammo.

  4. First I would remove the overlap penalty on multiple players using the same area and change it for a somewhat different mechanic. I understand why it exists, but PI is an activity very very few enjoy and most do because they “have to”.

Id prefer see consistency and simplicity instead of the current system.

I would also add sharable templates so setting up your planet wasn’t tedious.

  1. The overall UI has a lot of options that just aren’t used and add a lot of fluff and confusion to the interface.

I would like to see specific information provided on what each role does, like what they have on the website, but ingame.

I’d also love a mode to test the role. Yes I can do it with an alt, but as the ceo, creating a role and then being able to test it would be a small QoL improvement.

Hopefully these brief outlines answer your questions well enough!


I didn’t know this.

Agreed, it’s a pain, for something that could potentially ruin your corp.

Thanks for your reply. It’s been great reading everybody’s responses. I think there is a lot of shared agreement about CCP’s enthusiasm, about their poor communication and seeming insistence on working on things nobody asked for while neglecting iterating on things that everybody wants.

No one so far has wanted to see golden ammo in the game. Everyone seems to want to streamline or gamify PI.

Everyone appears to agree that corp UI needs work.

I would say within the community itself and amongst the candidates the points of disagreement centre mostly around how easy and or how difficult, depending on your perspective, it is to travel New Eden. Force projection, filaments, ansiblexes, interdiction nullification, etc. Without me having asked specifically, that particular topic has emerge on its own the most.

Thanks again for your reply.

No support. In my opinion, Yours and your leadership’s sustained harassment of non-participating players outside the Tranquility consortium in-game and IRL does you no favors, and I no doubt you will maintain the status quo as best you can, and as long as you can, and as long as CCP allows it.

Specific to BRISC’S participation repping INIT, CCP had to step in with Uprising Update to stop the ceaseless harassment of new and highsec players that you attempted to maintain during that same meeting that CCP informed you quite rightly, to piss off, and this well documented. In no world, should anyone take Brisc support of anyone willing to do that type of harm seriously.

Go away.

CMS 18
You are all welcome to advertise
introduce yourself on one of the largest German Discord servers
And to advertise 1300+ are waiting for you Respect Honor Passion

The candidates are invited LIVE in the stream

And with LIVE translation English to German !!
introduce yourself in an interview and ask questions
to be answered by German speaking players
Yours sincerely ((Neo ceo RHP))

I have no clue what you are talking about and I don’t think you do either.

I am my own leadership and we do not harass people in or out of game.

If you are confusing us with another group then so be it, but please do a little research before posting mindlessly!

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Capsuleers! Spaceship captains! Fellow inhabitants of New Eden!

The time is upon us to play our part in the future of the cluster!

While Dark Shines, The Benevolent, The Fearless, and also The Published Author, has reached legendary status among his willing and unquestioning followers, such as my humble self, even He, an almost demi-god like being of pure, unrestrained energy can not march stalwartly forward into the next era alone!

Trade cartels are poised to suffocate the honest man beneath their gargantuan ISK reservers. Merciless fleets of PANFAM and FRT threaten more independently-minded corporations and alliances around the cluster, devouring more and more and more territory and demanding fealty, or else…

In the north, B3 valiantly soldiers on against the tide, willingly supported by INIT. and The Imperium in their heroic stand against an enemy vastly superior in numbers.

In the south, only the wise and merciful conditions of The Southern Agreement managed to give breathing room and space for smaller groups to settle in and thrive, dictated upon the mindless blob after a benign show of force, watched over by the blissful, yet sharp gaze of Dark Shines and his allies.

Coalitions suffocate the Universe, driving free-spirited capsuleers away from the vast, bountiful lands of nullsec, or into the arms of ever-growing hordes, mindlessly following the nefarious whims of their goblin-like leaders.

Do YOU want to live in the shadow of entrenched mega-groups forever? Or do you yearn for a space that is wild, untamed, where ambition and fights sprout and tales of heroism are spun?

Now it is YOUR time to influence the moves in the game - make YOUR vote count, and put your trust in Dark Shines, Destroyer of highsec Keepstars, Gravedigger of Coalitions, Dispenser of Justice, Lord of the Brawl!

Also, CEEK is r-, no wait, wrong thread.

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