My Eve Online Story
Hello team, I am Rots Mijnwerker Leader of Out of the Blue.
My history in Eve Online has always been about creating content, playing in a community, and growing with the game. My time in EVE truly started in 2005 at the age of 13, playing religiously throughout middle and highschool then well into college. Now after hitting my 30s, it’s a lot easier to look back on the ebb and flow of what EVE has been.
I’ve had the pleasure of playing with some great people and fighting others equally as great. I have been encouraged by the EVE community and truly embraced the community building aspect of what the game allows us to collaborate around. I am a very staunch PVPer and sprung headfirst into leadership and FC’ing, today providing almost nightly content for anyone who wants to go forth and shoot.
Over the years I have been in many alliances. In some I was the line member or diplomat, in others I was the Head FC, or i lead my own. I have been a part of the following alliances doing my thing in some form or capacity.
* Raiden
* Red Legion.
* Why So Seri0us
* Nulli Secunda.
* Black Legion.
* Insidious.
* The Blood Covenant
* Darkspawn.
* Out of the Blue.
For a period, I took a hiatus and stepped away from the game as I was not happy with where CCP was investing its resources and I had lost interest. In the day and age of COVID 19 – the community was sorely missed, and loneliness set in. Something about being furloughed from the company I build theatrical scenery for and having very little people to talk to while in lock down, feeling unable to express myself in my normal artistic way. That kind of set the tone for why EVE online and the people who play it are important to me. I messaged old friends, and we reformed under the old banners, with all the old history and all the experiences we’ve had.
Today I have an outstanding rapport with MANY groups, alliances, their leaders, and members.
My areas of Expertise
- Content Generation (Lowsec, Nullsec and KSpace)
- New Player Support
- Fleet Commanding
- Fleet Concept Building
- Alliance Logistics
- Alliance Management
- Community Building
- Risk vs Reward
- Structure Mechanics
- Sov Mechanics
- Eve Story Telling
- Marketing
- Honest Feedback
Why am i applying for CSM candidacy?
The overarching goal for me in CSM 19 would be the promotion of EVE online player base growth. I am passionate about new alliances and i feel having many groups across all walks of space promotes a healthy EVE. I want to be apart of ensuring the player base feels they are getting their time’s worth by downloading eve online. The reduction of space work for smaller groups making it easier for content creators to appear and become established is still also a key goal for me since last year’s run for CSM 18. I have put a lot of years into the game and feel i would be a good advocate for the community that plays this game, if either by being a conduit or sharer of ideas.
I am deeply committed to being a part of the discussion of the following topics:
Community Engagement
- The Alliance and Corporation Tabs being updated would be hugely beneficial. I envision a role building system with better information and info blurbs. Something intuitive, a place where CEO/Directors can build their frame work with many options and accesses that are not inherently bound by a large role theme. ie. Color Coding, Streamlined Medals and Titles, and Custom Corp Icons.
- Global events and community driven story line with consistent follow through.
- Alliance Tournament marketing and growth, i envision a uplifted and more heavily promoted alliance tournament with much more community engagement. Old Rot’s misses the spectacle, but new Rots envisions more formats or ‘divisions.’ to the alliance tournament.
- Renewed Test Server access OR a system by which the player base can engage in testing mechanics before they land on Tranquility instead of testing in ‘real time.’
Structure and Alliance/BLOC Scaling Mechanics
- Ansiblex Jump Bridges should only be usable by the alliance that drops the bridge by default. Bridges on both sides should be owned by the same alliance. Bridges should only be dropped in that Alliance’s sov.
- I strongly believe the diplomacy tab can be brought into the newer UI world and could be utilized as a tool for BLOC breaking. An example would be upkeep costs for having blue standings which scales with alliance member counts, War mechanics currently have a fee, l believe costs associated with friendly standings is a great opportunity for an isk sink on larger coalitions.
- Alliance sovereignty upkeep costs should be reworked, an example would be that sov costs would scale by distance away from an alliance’s chosen capital. Systems held further away from an alliance’s chosen capital would cost exponentially more per AU for instance.
- Zarzakh, so interesting, so not needing to connect four corners of new Eden… I would be strongly against Zarzakh as it was, returning.
- PI - i want PI to be easier to engage in, more streamlined and frankly not as mind numbing to do.
I love the idea of a much more streamlined intuitive system with opportunities to tie into the new reagent, and workforce mechanics. The window just really irritates me, it feels clunky. - I am a huge advocate for new, changing, and dynamic PVE opportunities. We have had a lot recently and i am happy to see these changes. My ethos here is that any time we have pilots engaging in PVE we likely have more targets and more opportunities for PVP or Meta game to occur.
- I would love to see updated NPC nullsec missioning and support for how people grind standings to get into pirate FW. I believe FW can also benefit greatly from a missioning overhaul.
- Specifically to the new Mining sites in nullsec, i would greatly advocate for tweaking and additional work to make these something that works well for players.
Ship Balancing and Meta
- Ship balancing - Examples of subcaps to revisit; Barghest, Exeq Navy Issue, Cyclone Fleet Issue, Myrm Navy Issue.
- Capitals and Super Capitals - I would like to see these become cheaper to produce.
- Unused Hulls - I am supportive of new or reworked hull bonuses on lesser performing hulls. Example is my beloved Ashimmu.
- I want to spin my titan in my keepstar please. Thanks.
New Player Experience
- I would love to be apart of expanding and supporting additional steps and initiatives that promote new player influx and support in game.
What can players expect from me?
- Caring and Compassionate player who loves to talk and collaborate. My inbox, Discord, and Mumble services are welcome to anyone with an interest in sharing their thoughts for what could be!
- Consistency and reliable feedback, as a CSM i would take the role with respect for all others who have CSM’d before, but more importantly work with those with a better understand or viewpoint about what i dont know. Sharing where i have experience, and supporting those who have things in their wheelhouse. A collaborator in the room is a lot better than a bull in a china shop.
I appreciate your time and look forward to taking questions and discussing with you all!
Thank you!