Me and my Story
Hello team, I am Rots Mijnwerker FC and USTZ Command Member for WE FORM BL0B.
My history in Eve Online has always been about creating content, playing in a community, and growing with the game. My time in EVE truly started in 2005 at the age of 13, playing religiously throughout middle and highschool then well into college. Now after hitting 30, it’s a lot easier to look back on the ebb and flow of what EVE has been and while not the only game I played it has been the constant.
I’ve had the pleasure of playing with some very wonderful people and fighting others equally as great. I have been encouraged by the EVE community and truly embraced the community building aspect of what the game allows us to collaborate around. I am a very staunch PVPer and sprung headfirst into leadership and FC’ing, today providing almost nightly content for anyone who wants to go forth and shoot.
Over the years I have been in many alliances. In some I was the line member or diplomat, in others I was the Head FC. In some I was a founder and others I am a command member. In some I was the Spy. I have been a part of the following alliances doing my thing in some form or capacity.
* Raiden
* Red Legion.
* Why So Seri0us
* Nulli Secunda.
* Black Legion.
* Insidious.
* The Blood Covenant
* Darkspawn.
* Out of the Blue.
For a period, I took a hiatus and stepped away from the game as I was not happy with where CCP was investing its resources and I had lost interest. In the day and age of COVID 19 – the community was sorely missed, and loneliness set in. My wife and I had to cancel our wedding and we had to embrace our hobbies while we planned to elope (spoiler we got hitched). I decided to download, resub, and reinvent my EVE in the summer of 2020, I was immediately welcomed back by old friends and people saw the notification that Rots Mijnwerker was playing again!
Something about that moment, being furloughed from the company I build theatrical scenery for and having very little people to talk to while in lock down, feeling unable to express myself in my normal artistic way kind. That kind of set the tone for why EVE online and the people who play it are important to me. I messaged old friends, and we reformed under the old banners, with all the old history and all the experiences we’ve had.
Today I have an outstanding rapport with MANY groups, alliances, their leaders, and members.
Areas of the game I feel I am most knowledgeable.
- Content Generation (Lowsec, Nullsec and Kspace)
- New Player Support
- Fleet Commanding
- Fleet Concept Building
- Fleet Command Training
- Alliance Logistics
- Alliance Leading
- Alliance Management
- Community Building
- Ship Fittings
- Accepting Loss
- Risk vs Reward
- Structure Mechanics
- Sov Mechanics
- Eve Story Telling
Key Campaign Ideals
The overarching goal for me in CSM 18 would be the promotion of EVE online player base growth. Additionally, I am passionate about new alliances and many groups across all walks of space promotes a healthy EVE. We must attend to the subjects of power projection, structures, sov mechanics and ensuring the player base feels they are getting their money’s worth by subscribing. The reduction of space work for smaller groups making it easier for content creators to appear and become established is also a key goal for me.
I am deeply committed to being a part of the discussion surrounding the mechanics of the following topics:
Small Alliance Uplift and BLOC break up.
- Large BLOCS should cost exponentially more to maintain.
- Small alliances should be incentivized with less barriers of entry or expansion.
- I strongly believe the diplomacy tab can be revisited and could be utilized as a tool for BLOC breaking.
- I believe that bills around standings are a phenomenal opportunity for an isk sink for larger coalitions.
Structure and Sov System Balancing
- Ansiblex Jump Bridge Overhaul – These items are in desperate need of review.
- Upwell structures – These must be revisited continually and often to support healthy content.
- Sov Mechanics – A scaling back or expansion of mechanics on a case-by-case basis.
Ship Balancing and Meta
- Ship balancing - we should continue build upon the steps already made this past cycle.
- Capitals and Super Capitals - the mechanics around these should be reviewed.
- Unused Hulls - I am supportive of new or reworked hull bonuses on lesser performing hulls.
New Player Experience
- I would love to be apart of expanding and supporting additional steps and initiatives that promote new player influx and support in game.
I appreciate your time and look forward to taking questions and discussing with you all!
Thank you!