Little things / Small QoL suggestions

Suggestion: Keyboard shortcuts for toggling view focus on PI structures groups
Keywords: ui, pi
Note: When PI structure groups are dispersed over planet surface its hard to find them

PI Tip: I have planets producing just 3 kinds of T1 only. And my infrastructure is split into 3 groups located at 3 different pockets of raw deposits. Far away from each other.

The groups are almost invisible from planet overview if not selected. The PI UI already focuses on one of them (my guess is the “oldest/” one) when entering Planet view.

Please, make at least a basic shortcut to cycle between the groups like Tab, Shift+Tab, <, >, A, D, left/right arrows etc. How about +/i for zoom in/out :slight_smile:

When you move the window far wawy from the structures, simple double-click focuses the window on the CC presently. How about if another double-click moves the window focus to another group of structures? And so on.

Keyboard shortcuts for PI structures
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