CSM 19th日本語和訳目次

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みんなの大事な一票が今後のEVE Onlineにプレイヤーの声を届けてくれる代表を決める選挙だ!





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Dear CSM Candidates,
We are a team of to translate your forum articles. If you have any questions, please send a message to the translators, or Muraku Butler(murakubutler) in game or Discord.



0 候補者名 所属 原文 Short Pitch
1 Aerodinamica Attiva Reckless and Uncontrolable Feeding link Aerodinamica “Aero” Attiva - I am advocating for a series of smaller changes to make the EVE Online day to day better for everyone. As opposed to larger untested updates that are potentially controversial and/or harm the games economy.
2 Alcoholic Satan Pandemic Horde link Horde Director for 7 years. Specializes in home defense umbrellas, capital and super capital PvE. Will continue to push for more reasons to go out and blow things up in space.
3 Ankh Lai Goonswarm Federatio link Two years as the “new player education” Director for Goonswarm, working to provide newer players with the tools and resources to learn the game. My aim to work with CCP to improve the New Player Experience, so that it provides a pathway into all areas of EVE, in order to improve player retention.
4 Aqustin Agustus Brave Collective link Not the wormholer CSM candidate that you wanted, but the one you needed. I will strive to bring wormhole space the love that it’s been neglected for years, as well as shift the focus of development towards cinematic storytelling that is inclusive to all regions of space.
5 Ariel Rin The Initiative. link I’m running for CSM to bring ESI development back to a reliable, safe and game design approved state. In order to continue to push the envelope on community and social engagement in EVE.
6 AtheistOfFail Stribog Clade link It’s me, AtheistOfFail!
7 Aurous Victoirespere Space Madness. link Representing the class of players who maximize fun for themselves and their close circle of corpmates. We love this game because it builds and utilizes our social connections to make awesome & enduring memories, and I want to do everything possible to keep the game healthy and the explosions plentiful.
8 Bill Dingha Cynabal Malakim Zealots link An Industrialist, Miner, Occasional Wormholer and helper of those in need. Fluffy as Heck, representing Industry and J Space Living
9 Bexey Songweaver Aurora Alliance link My name is Colby and I have played EVE Online since 2015 where I started pretty early on diving into Wormholes for PVP. From here I tried out Null Sec followed by Wormholes again but this time living in them where I continue to today. Up to this point I have pretty much done it all and would like to be apart of giving back to the community of EVE Online. The privilege of being a voice for the EVE Community is not a light tasking, however I would honoured to bring all community input to the table for consideration to make the game we all love fun for all.
10 Colby Bosh’tet Feasting Frenzy link I like Eve, Im just here to play some video games and fly some internet spaceships. I like content, whether that content is dropping blops, caps, or on a shitfit roam. Give me CSM, and I will Give you content. And Remember to as yourselves, Not what CSM can do for you, But what you can do for CSM.
11 commander Shepard Brotherhood Goonswarm Federation link CM19 Candidate, PVP Edition
12 Creatnos NullSechnaya Sholupen link I would like to join the official discussion group as a CSM to gather ideas from player organizations and newcomers with a professional perspective and propose ideas for changes like newbie tutorial community/more interaction between ISD organizations and players/more resource output and consumption in High and Low Security, after all, every player comes from a high security area
13 Dalros Absolute Will link As one of the longest serving inhabitants of Pochven I have relentlessly stewarded the region and helped implement changes with the aim to make the region the best it can be. The lessons learned so far can be used to help make all of EVE more fun, lucrative, and more bloodthirsty than ever before.
14 Drake Iddon Rote Kapelle link Since 2014, I’ve lived in in every part of new eden. I enjoy EVE economics, tournaments, and all PvP, but I thrive best in a war. I am in brave because I like helping new players. My CSM interests include ship balance, addressing perverse incentives from game design, and accessibility of content. Community-oriented.
15 Dujek Oneye Brave Collective link I am an independent candidate and my areas of expertise are highsec, lore, group PVE and Pochven. These areas have a lot more potential and add to what makes this game great. Unfortunately they tend to be overlooked or have a lower priority. I want to help mitigate that.
16 DutchGunner Wicked Angels. link Heya I’m Frippyy, I’m a member of Karma fleet and Goonswarm and I’m a resident of nullsec. I believe I would be a suitable candidate for CSM19 as I am eager to maintain the quality of EVE and its community by listening to and spreading the voices of the players so that YOU can have your voice heard!
17 Frippyy Goonswarm Federation link I adventured throughout New Eden exploring, destroying, creating… for 17 years without becoming a bittervet. The player driven universe is what makes Eve’s story so fantastic. Getting players into space, risking assets, creating stories and building communities needs to be the focus of the future.
18 Frozen Fallout Federation Front Line link Small gang/Medium skirmish FC currently living in Thera with D-sync. Main points of interest: power projection, ship/income balance, reducing barriers of entry for new pilots.
19 Gideon Zendikar D-sync link Started in highsec and have moved onto living in wormhole space. I am focused on building a community around wormhole gameplay and would like to ensure that we still have a game where I am able to do that. I don’t want to see Eve Online get burned to the ground as it is a passion of mine.
20 Grima The Mad Recursive Horizons link I have been playing since 2009 and did many different activities in game, mostly PVE and PVP related stuff. I push for the return of the old arena & proving grounds.
21 Gustav Mannfred Remember Mumuit link Did I just hit the jackpot? I was just trying to sign in to win that free Ibis, and now I’m half-expecting to see a confetti cannon go off. I’m Hexator, by the way, and I’m already planning a grand welcome for my new Ibis. Fingers crossed this isn’t a glitch in the matrix!
22 Hexator Gaming No Therapy link I’ve been playing Eve since 2007, primarily focused on small scale PVP. I have played in lowsec, wormholes, and nullsec space. My goal as your CSM representative is to improve CCP’s communication with the community, and urge for more frequent iteration to be included as a development priority.
23 Itaer IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII link Nullsec bloc vizier, strategic analyst, and financier/industrialist for two different ages of New Eden’s history
24 Kazanir Goonswarm Federation link So yeah, Industry is my wheelhouse. I also manage all of the Sov for Pandemic Legion. I’ve witnessed POSes, Outposts, Citadels and ECs pre and post Equinox. I was invited to participate in the official CCP Focus Group for Citadels. I’ve done every type of logistical work you can imagine in the game, and I’m acutely aware of the pain points that exist.
25 Kenneth Feld Pandemic Legion link A GROWING EVE IS A HEALTHY EVE I serve as the CEO of Applied Anarchy and am the retired Executor of ChaosTheory . I’m an industry connoisseur, a Wormhole Boogie Man, a BLOPs lover, and a skirmish enjoyer—all while passionately advocating for small alliances.
26 Komo Sunder The Initiative. link Dedicated to empowering Eve’s communities and enhancing the experience of new and returning players while fostering inclusivity and drawing attention to accessibility to ensure Eve Online remains welcoming to all.
27 Kshal Aideron The Ancients. link Going for my third and final term after a successful CSM17 and 18. I am re-elected, I will continue to work on behalf of the players of Eve Online. Regardless of where they come from or their particular playstyles.
28 Luke Anninan Fraternity. link You may have seen my Corvette to Cynabal Bootstrap Challenge video series. I’ve explored almost every corner of this game, working my way up from nothing, equipped only with what I can build and scavenge myself. On the CSM, my simple goal is to keep New Eden fresh and fun. No agenda. No affiliation.
29 Mcopiate Brave Collective link Hey im just a heavily armed, drug addicted, autistic, ex military, mental health patient, what could possibly go wrong?
30 Mick Fightmaster No Vacancies link Hello my fellow capsuleers, I’m Mick Fightmaster, a wormhole hopeful for CSM 19. After being witness to CCP’s wormhole changes over the last couple years, I’ve decided to throw my hat in the ring for this year’s CSM. Player since 2009, wormholer since 2011, I’ve seen EVE go through all types of iterations, both good and bad. Let’s work together to make the next year even better.
31 Mike Azariah The Scope link Representing new and casual players of the game. Unaligned to any corp or alliance. Veteran Council member (CSM 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, and 18) and a reasonable guy. Known to communicate well with players and devs. I would appreciate your vote.
32 MILINT ARC Trooper Pator Tech School link Please Report to Republic Security Services, has left important Experimental Project Unattended.
33 NeoShocker Scary Wormhole People link Playing since 2006! My focus for candidacy is “Balance” and “Quality of Life”. Be it game mechanics, skills, ships, content (WH, incursions, FW, etc) and more. Check web-link of all things I done in Eve!
34 Phantomite Watch This link The CSM needs representation that favours a war driven universe over a safety driven one. Eve has always been at its best when nobody’s empire has been set in stone. It’s time for the map to unfreeze. See phantomite.com for specifics and contact!
35 Prospektor Schipplock EDENCOM DEFENSIVE INITIATIVE link Hello, my name is Prospector Schipplock, after years of influencing CCP, I think it’s time to right the failures I’ve committed.
36 Redus Taw Pandemic Horde link CSM 19 Application
37 Rots Mijnwerker Out of the Blue. link An independent candidate with 18 years of eve online experience. Heavily focused on; PVP, Industry, New Player Experience, Community Building, Market and Economics, Content Drivers, and Community Outreach.
38 Seddow Deepwater Hooligans link Since 2015, I’ve actively engaged in all space types heavily except wormholes. I’ve helped lead the old Legacy Coalition, founded my own alliance (Dreadbomb), and now lead Deepwater Hooligans. I aim to continue to improve nullsec and lowsec dynamics while helping fix and support Pochven for worthwhile true smaller scaled fleet combat.
39 SeriesPro UNITED SOUTH link Greetings Capsuleers! This year I decided to become a candidate one more time!
40 SKALE Organa Koneko’s Child Support Payments link Hi, I’m your favorite beer, sauna and wormhole loving crazy alcoholist from Finland. I decided to run for CSM 19 as a wormhole candidate to keep the culture of glory and feed alive.
41 steven mardis Sugar. link make wormholes great again!
42 Storm Delay Pandemic Horde link CSM 17/18 incumbent, despite problems with equinox there are some areas where we have gone in the right direction like with zarzakh changes, and I believe we can keep steering CCP towards solving projection issues, while cleaning up some problems created with the last expansion.
43 Styxx D.A.R.K. link Been an Eve player since 2003. Well-rounded Eve player as I still pvp, pve, run missions, mine, explore, play in high and nullsec space.
44 Switch 4 Divine Damnation link Low Sec Pirate based in Amamake. Lead FC for Heretic Army, Divine Damnation & the Angel Cartel. I want to be the voice of all FW, small gang and solo PvP groups. The one who you can turn to and know you are truly being heard! A push for positive changes in FW mechanics and keeping interest in low sec.
45 The Oz Pecunia Infinita link Current CSM member – Proven, respected, and professional EVE markets and economy expert — independent candidate without alliance commitments — Purely focused on making the game better — Years of experience discussing issues with CCP, CSM members, and expert players on the CSM and as an EVE partner
46 Viciate Minmatar Fleet Alliance link lowsec pvp candidate currently flying with Minmatar Fleet Alliance
47 Yondu Quill Brave Collective link Coming from CSM18 candidacy, my predictions have shown what EVE2024 will look like to nearly same reality as my radical vision in CSM18. Now lets see the EVE2025
48 youngpuke2 Sedition. link I have been playing Eve online for eight years and have primarily focused on living in low-sec and Null areas. I am running for CSM to advocate for continued low-sec and faction warfare iteration began in the Uprising expansion. Message me if you want to have a conversation!
49 Zintage Enaka Goonswarm Federation link Director and Fleet Commander in Goonswarm Federation. Experience in all areas of space primarily Nullsec and Pochven