Rots Mijnwerker for CSM 19 - Your 0.0 Non Bloc and PI Change Candidate

My Eve Online Story

Hello team, I am Rots Mijnwerker Leader of Out of the Blue.

My history in Eve Online has always been about creating content, playing in a community, and growing with the game. My time in EVE truly started in 2005 at the age of 13, playing religiously throughout middle and highschool then well into college. Now after hitting my 30s, it’s a lot easier to look back on the ebb and flow of what EVE has been.

I’ve had the pleasure of playing with some great people and fighting others equally as great. I have been encouraged by the EVE community and truly embraced the community building aspect of what the game allows us to collaborate around. I am a very staunch PVPer and sprung headfirst into leadership and FC’ing, today providing almost nightly content for anyone who wants to go forth and shoot.

Over the years I have been in many alliances. In some I was the line member or diplomat, in others I was the Head FC, or i lead my own. I have been a part of the following alliances doing my thing in some form or capacity.

* Raiden
* Red Legion.
* Why So Seri0us
* Nulli Secunda.
* Black Legion.
* Insidious.
* The Blood Covenant
* Darkspawn.
* Out of the Blue.

For a period, I took a hiatus and stepped away from the game as I was not happy with where CCP was investing its resources and I had lost interest. In the day and age of COVID 19 – the community was sorely missed, and loneliness set in. Something about being furloughed from the company I build theatrical scenery for and having very little people to talk to while in lock down, feeling unable to express myself in my normal artistic way. That kind of set the tone for why EVE online and the people who play it are important to me. I messaged old friends, and we reformed under the old banners, with all the old history and all the experiences we’ve had.

Today I have an outstanding rapport with MANY groups, alliances, their leaders, and members.

My areas of Expertise

  • Content Generation (Lowsec, Nullsec and KSpace)
  • New Player Support
  • Fleet Commanding
  • Fleet Concept Building
  • Alliance Logistics
  • Alliance Management
  • Community Building
  • Risk vs Reward
  • Structure Mechanics
  • Sov Mechanics
  • Eve Story Telling
  • Marketing
  • Honest Feedback

Why am i applying for CSM candidacy?

The overarching goal for me in CSM 19 would be the promotion of EVE online player base growth. I am passionate about new alliances and i feel having many groups across all walks of space promotes a healthy EVE. I want to be apart of ensuring the player base feels they are getting their time’s worth by downloading eve online. The reduction of space work for smaller groups making it easier for content creators to appear and become established is still also a key goal for me since last year’s run for CSM 18. I have put a lot of years into the game and feel i would be a good advocate for the community that plays this game, if either by being a conduit or sharer of ideas.

I am deeply committed to being a part of the discussion of the following topics:

Community Engagement

  • The Alliance and Corporation Tabs being updated would be hugely beneficial. I envision a role building system with better information and info blurbs. Something intuitive, a place where CEO/Directors can build their frame work with many options and accesses that are not inherently bound by a large role theme. ie. Color Coding, Streamlined Medals and Titles, and Custom Corp Icons.
  • Global events and community driven story line with consistent follow through.
  • Alliance Tournament marketing and growth, i envision a uplifted and more heavily promoted alliance tournament with much more community engagement. Old Rot’s misses the spectacle, but new Rots envisions more formats or ‘divisions.’ to the alliance tournament.
  • Renewed Test Server access OR a system by which the player base can engage in testing mechanics before they land on Tranquility instead of testing in ‘real time.’

Structure and Alliance/BLOC Scaling Mechanics

  • Ansiblex Jump Bridges should only be usable by the alliance that drops the bridge by default. Bridges on both sides should be owned by the same alliance. Bridges should only be dropped in that Alliance’s sov.
  • I strongly believe the diplomacy tab can be brought into the newer UI world and could be utilized as a tool for BLOC breaking. An example would be upkeep costs for having blue standings which scales with alliance member counts, War mechanics currently have a fee, l believe costs associated with friendly standings is a great opportunity for an isk sink on larger coalitions.
  • Alliance sovereignty upkeep costs should be reworked, an example would be that sov costs would scale by distance away from an alliance’s chosen capital. Systems held further away from an alliance’s chosen capital would cost exponentially more per AU for instance.
  • Zarzakh, so interesting, so not needing to connect four corners of new Eden… I would be strongly against Zarzakh as it was, returning.


  • PI - i want PI to be easier to engage in, more streamlined and frankly not as mind numbing to do.
    I love the idea of a much more streamlined intuitive system with opportunities to tie into the new reagent, and workforce mechanics. The window just really irritates me, it feels clunky.
  • I am a huge advocate for new, changing, and dynamic PVE opportunities. We have had a lot recently and i am happy to see these changes. My ethos here is that any time we have pilots engaging in PVE we likely have more targets and more opportunities for PVP or Meta game to occur.
  • I would love to see updated NPC nullsec missioning and support for how people grind standings to get into pirate FW. I believe FW can also benefit greatly from a missioning overhaul.
  • Specifically to the new Mining sites in nullsec, i would greatly advocate for tweaking and additional work to make these something that works well for players.

Ship Balancing and Meta

  • Ship balancing - Examples of subcaps to revisit; Barghest, Exeq Navy Issue, Cyclone Fleet Issue, Myrm Navy Issue.
  • Capitals and Super Capitals - I would like to see these become cheaper to produce.
  • Unused Hulls - I am supportive of new or reworked hull bonuses on lesser performing hulls. Example is my beloved Ashimmu.
  • I want to spin my titan in my keepstar please. Thanks.

New Player Experience

  • I would love to be apart of expanding and supporting additional steps and initiatives that promote new player influx and support in game.

What can players expect from me?

  • Caring and Compassionate player who loves to talk and collaborate. My inbox, Discord, and Mumble services are welcome to anyone with an interest in sharing their thoughts for what could be!
  • Consistency and reliable feedback, as a CSM i would take the role with respect for all others who have CSM’d before, but more importantly work with those with a better understand or viewpoint about what i dont know. Sharing where i have experience, and supporting those who have things in their wheelhouse. A collaborator in the room is a lot better than a bull in a china shop.

I appreciate your time and look forward to taking questions and discussing with you all!

Thank you!


Great stuff you’re bringing up. I particularly like the diplomacy tab being brought into relevance again and how that could be a stepping stone to fixing many other balance issues.

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Thanks Dujek!

I think worth considering this chap for a vote
Even if you are doing a Block vote, it is worth putting Rots in place, as he will most likely make a positive difference to the CSM Dynamic, whoever it is comprised.

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when you say this. can i ask for 1 thing specifically? a button that lets me “auto renew extractors” when clicked

so instead of going planet to planet and clicking “stop, start” on all of them. i can just do all at once.
downside to this is i can get optimal by moving individual extractors around to where most resources are. but upside is its not a chore if i dont care about optimal.

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Dont under sell yourself, this isnt a downside this is a feature. Do the work for optimal outcome or say ‘nah bruv’ hit the renew button. Its the same choice as putting a metonox down for passive moon income or putting in the work on an Athanor to mine the whole shebang.

I’d be game with that.


Heck yeah Rots! Great points you brought up! Definitely has my vote! You’ve got so many highlights that would make you such a great CSM! It’s you’re time to shine! Get those votes!


Having flown with Rots and worked with him in EVE for the last 2ish years, I really think he could make a positive change within the game, he has the experience and the ability to connect with people. He is good at listening and digging into the core of peoples issues and trying to find solutions that work for the larger picture in a group. He is also passionate about making small group content exciting and fun which is what we need right now.

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An important part of CSM is giving feedback to CCP on their designs; what feedback would you give on one of their pet projects, homefront operations?

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An important part of CSM is giving feedback to CCP on their designs; what feedback would you give on one of their pet projects, homefront operations?

Hey Danuvia, i appreciate the question.

So the feedback i would give CCP regarding Homefront Operations is about how members access them and how older players are engaged in them. The goal of these sites is to bring new and experienced capsuleers together to do new activities, help to establish social connections and introduce Fleet gameplay. I think both sides need a bigger carrot.

I think the core VALUE of these is immense and a really nice approach, but i think we can continue to make them more rewarding therefore more worth doing. I think we could also be using these to engage newer players into Faction Warfare, how their career path is charted by doing such operations is really unknown to me, how do we even advertise these?

Sadly, the sort of interaction they are hoping to get with the old community is forced and really relies on a few good Samaritan types who really keep it afloat. This has been eve online new bro engagement in a nut shell for years…

An idea i always had which may be of some consequence would be home front operations that purposefully set a pilot out to seek players in lowsec or nullsec to engage with those groups and build relationships (good or bad) learn the geography, and share in the rewards together. How that would be built is perhaps outside my pay grade, but the bridge needs to be built a lot bigger and wider in order to keep the engagement up.


Been flying with Rots for a little over a year now. I was drawn to his corp for its enjoyable community, culture, PvP, and his display of leadership skills. Rots knows this game very well and knows what EVE players want.

I have flown both with and against Rots. He is always a standup guy bringing a great attitude with him wherever he goes. He has a vast knowledge of the game and isn’t afraid of generating content. If anyone could convince CCP to head in the right direction, Rots is definitely one of them!


Thanks Levon this means a lot coming from you.

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Unused Hulls - I am supportive of new or reworked hull bonuses on lesser performing hulls. Example is my beloved Ashimmu

bit of a question for this. What do you think about Nostalgia hulls?

Chimera for instance. its been an underused hull for a long time, but what if it had a skin that gives it the old model back? (ironically, the same hull they used in the caldari trailer. not the new one)

this might help underused hulls for the older playerbase who are nostalgic, be it tempest, moa, scorpion etc.

Hey Lashisha thanks for the question.
I mean yeah, that actually sounds very cool, i could totally get behind that.

The dreamer in me is down but of course we have to consider CCP resources in a lot of this, but CCP knowing this is an option people may enjoy is something i dont think they would shy away from.

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i approve this message

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FC, can I bring my drake?

Silly aside, I hope you’re doing well. As someone who likes PvE this section got me curious. How would you, without giving away /all/ your secrets, ask CCP to implement this? What would you change to PI to make it easier, what would you do to the mining sites in Null. Would you add anything to high sec to help the high sec carebears?

Thank you for your time, and I wish you luck in your way to CSM.

@Rots_Mijnwerker Do you support hiring (EVE Vanguard) Warclone Mercenaries as an attack/defense vector in Capsuleer conflicts? Like attacking/defending Planetary Infrastructure, Skyhooks/POCOs and Upwell Structures?

As a CSM would you try and pitch for CCP to make stack multi-split (splitting a stack of items into multiple stacks of same size in one go instead of just one split at a time) happen?

O7 Rots Mijnwerker,

Last year I asked eight questions and then compiled the answers into a huge mega-thread. It was massive. With the exception of MILINT_ARC_Trooper, no one had a thread bigger than mine, to be fair MILINT_ARC_Troopers’ thread was so weighty and knowledgable it teetered on the edge of collapsing into its’ own core.

That catalogue of replies is now a time-capsule and encapsulated within are the hopes and disappointments that CSM 18 candidates considered worth speaking about during the year of EVE’s 20th anniversary.

The responses gave voters en masse an opportunity to test and compare each hopeful CSM 18 candidates commitment to their claims of being community oriented, knowledgable, responsive and representative of player values. Given that the CSM does not directly control any aspect of EVE’s development and that the successful candidates are those that can identify existing and future consequences, co-operate with other CSM members, and communicate issues -from a player perspective- to CCP staff one-to-one, I’ve formulated a set of questions designed to seperate the compressed ORE from the Long-Limb Roes in this years election race.

Year-on-year the Independent Representatives, Solo players with single accounts, Worm Holers, Triangle People, Semi-nomadic Role-Playing Sandbox Explorers, and Salvagers, have been organising and gaining traction against the self-secure Null-Bloc Empire Candidates and their vast hordes of leather-skinned, evil, flying-monkeys. More-and-more players are choosing to vote in members they believe can positively impact CCP’s approach to the game regardless of their in-game affiliations.

Exposure matters, who are you, what is your clue?
As was the process last year I will post each candidates reply in a super thread, first-in first-served.

This years questions:

  1. What ONE identifiable consequence requires CCP’s attention?

  2. What PROVABLE evidence can you supply to support your belief in this situation?

  3. What practical, and balanced change can be made to support a solution if any?

  4. What support do your observations have from other CSM candidates?

  5. How will you present your findings to CCP?

If you have already identified and spoken about a problem in your CSM candidacy bio at the top of this thread feel free to copy pasta that response where applicable. I’ll copy paste directly from your response to this post. Choose your goblet…. wisely.

Let the games begin, and may the odds ever be in your favour.