Seddow for CSM 19 - Putting Ships and Opportunity in Space

I want to start this campaign post by making something clear, the CSM are not developers. I think people have a misconception on what the CSM is. The CSM is a representative voice for the players. CCP only solicits CSM’s feedback on different playstyle perspectives, current mechanics, and potential changes. For the CSM to be most effective in being a value-add to the game and the community, they need to have experience in one or several areas of the game and be well-connected within the community. They need to be able to ask other community members about pain points with game mechanics or gameplay styles that they may not be experiencing or understanding fully without breaking NDA. The goal is to be a conduit of the entire player base and that is what I strive to achieve should I be elected.

About me:
My name is Seddow, I am the CEO of Outback Steakhouse of Pancakes and I am part of the alliance leadership in Deepwater Hooligans. Previously I was the Alliance Executor of Dreadbomb, and a member of the Legacy Coalition leadership team. I have coordinated and led fights with thousands of pilots over multiple fleets all across New Eden. I have dealt with alliance and coalition level logistics, managing thousands of players, including dealing with krab drama, market pvp, recruitment and cultural issues. In Dreadbomb, I built a successful alliance from the ground up and understand the struggles of the small corps to medium sized alliances. I think most, if not all, alliance leadership in the game knows me from continued coordination, backroom joking, and talks about how to improve the game. I have a wide breadth of connections and gathered experience in every part of known space, including being heavily involved in Pochven with my current alliance (I will admit wormholes are not something I have much experience in). I have played this game for 10 years and never quit, no game has ever captured me like EVE has and I strive for it to be a game I can play for another 10 years.

My Thought Blurb on todays game:
I am a massive proponent of creating a healthier game ecosystem by incentivizing putting ships in space more frequently. It presents opportunities for players to make money, shoot each other, and interact with the rest of the playerbase.

As a friend and I discussed recently, I think EVE currently has three types of major group play styles in the game today. Empire Builder - They will fight with a numbers advantage to settle a region of space They will build a home for players to come and live. Placing lots of infrastructure and constructing a large community.

Raider/Roamer - Won’t capture space, but will hunt and disrupt space. Won’t really focus on destroying hostile infrastructure and no set timers, can be active as desired.

Mercenary/Conqueror - Will burn down space in mid-to-large scale fleet combat while having escalation strength over opponents, but not necessarily the numbers advantage. Focus on being mobile in number and staging out of Lowsec or NPC Nullsec. The space acquired through fighting is exploited for resources until they are beaten back by numbers advantage while not using the space in the true Empire Builder fashion.

Of course these playstyles are not set in stone and can mingle between each other/mix, but that’s the beauty of this game - it is a sandbox you can be as good or as bad as you want in whatever you want.

EVE has some of its best moments when these playstyles are balanced somewhat evenly. The initial release of Skyhooks leaned heavily in the raiders favor, but the most recent patch swung the balance of skyhooks too strongly for the Empire Builder. Recognising the balance between the content avenue of ‘Grand Theft Infrastructure’ which was amazing for the raider/roamer playstyle, but forced the empire builder into self-stealing out of their own Skyhooks instead of defending them, and the current state where it is not worth the time or risk for the raider. We need more opportunities that are balanced in a way where pilots are incentivized to put ships at risk to take or protect each other’s income.

When CCP first announced the workforce changes and it looked like not every system in a constellation could support jammers, I was ecstatic. Forcing strategic assets to be planned, and space to be meaningful with impactful decisions that balanced security and income was a fantastic idea. Unfortunately, as the changes got released we started looking at them closer and having discussion with null block leaders it became apparent that the changes weren’t drastic enough. One of the results of this is that projection is still way too strong as it encourages major groups to effectively control vast swaths of completely empty space purely to provide passage. This has strangled the map with these passages that could instead be the home for smaller groups. The remaining vestiges of Fozzie Sov are still too oppressive to attack, combined with undefended structures and their timer structure all combine to stagnate the map, and leave much of nullsec an uninhabited ghost town. Projection is needed to effectively empire build, but this projection must be balanced to encourage and allow smaller groups to grow.

In the lowsec area (my current residence), the space continues to be the land of no laws. True lowsec group fights focus heavily on brawling and escalation. Capitals get used more than in nullsec (they need more nullsec opportunity) and giving passive moons back created a path for these groups to fight each other. There needs to be more items to fight over in lowsec, from the large dreadbrawls to the 5-15 man faction warfare gang and the solo gamer. Faction warfare has become something that is heavily farmed instead of consistently fought over. There are also current awoxing mechanic issues that need fixing. Pirate Faction Warfare and Zarzakh also need some adjustments to be worthwhile for pilots where making lasting investment in these areas is worth it. More large-scale fights would happen in this area of space if the game economy was in a better spot (more below).

In the Pochven area, the region has changed a lot from what it was three years ago. People have min/maxed the region, and there is not much creativity left. I am a fan of a shakeup that causes people to get out and adjust again. The region has amazing potential and it has shown that by being one of, if not the most destructive region on the MER repeatedly. The Flashpoints do need a pay cut, but for the region to attract pilots post-changes the pay cut cannot be anything too drastic. I am also a fan of making the Flashpoint spawn different racial NPCs instead of just Amarr, each with different types of EWAR and weapon systems. This would make the sites never be the same and you have to be able to adjust depending on which NPC rat it spawns.

The post-scarcity economy is starting to revert to a healthy place but we aren’t there yet. Supers and titans still cost too much money to warrant their use case, so they either need a buff or cost reduction (no one is really building them as far as I can tell). Titan EHP is too low and fax are too weak in todays meta in regards to capital on capital warfare. Navy dreads need a slight cost reduction. Carriers with their new conduit ability are in a good spot financially in my opinion, but they need a damage and application buff. Battleships are still slightly the expensive side and could be in a healthy spot for some pricing reduction. In terms of ISK injection I am a big fan of the group PvE sites CCP experimented with near Zarzakh. I think they were healthy and a good way to get pilots to play with other pilots and put gankable ships out in space, they do need to get spread out more. CRAB beacons need some adjustments to continue putting huntable heavy targets out in space. More capital npc sites need to spawn for this reason as well.

Couple other ideas I would like to see and would advocate for:

  • Allow HICS to fit Cynos
  • NSA buff to make carriers worth using in combat, not just for conduiting
  • Make ships exempt from fleet warp not take conduit jumps
  • Make probe scans persist after closing client
  • Expand on Edencom and Triglavian ships.
  • Allow interdiction nullifier modules to be activated while cloaked
  • No taking Ansiblex while pointed
  • Widen the metenox timer some to allow cross timezone fighting (this is delicate)
  • Fax buff or special rigs to help them be useful again in capital fights
  • Adjust filaments to work in squads of a large fleet instead of needing to make a new fleet, while also adjusting the strength of filaments

If you made it all the way to the bottom, thank you for taking the time and I hope that I was able to paint a picture for my vision of EVE. My strength is my connections and experience in this game that I believe that makes me qualified to be a voice to CCP.

My discord is open to all who want to yap - Seddow

Addedums as I talk to more people:

  • Insurance right now is not in a healthy/good spot. Especially for capitals. I’m not saying it should completely replace your ship but it should give more then 15% of the value back. Increasing it to a more reasonable/sustainable value would entice more groups to use dreads - specifically T1 ones - in ways which entice fighting and heavy asset commitment. I would love to know CCP’s reasoning for reducing it so drastically in the first place - I imagine something todo with scarcity.

Mr Seddow wears the freshest clothes and eats at the finest restaurants.


Hello Seddow,

Just about everything on your list looks pretty solid. An NSA rework is nice, I truly miss having carrier fleets take on blobs.

You acknowledge by association, that projection is an issue, or atleast that ansiblex are broken, by proposing warp disruption to inhibit ansiblex usage.
I think this is great, and believe that implementing further on that by having bubbles also limit gate usage, would be a great way for groups to interfere with fatigue less ansiblex.

If fatigue or a ZZ like gate lock were to be implemented, then conceding this counter play would be applicable.

I take issue with the following idea though;

Filaments, in my opinion, are not healthy for the game. I see them as an easy way for fleets to escape other fleets, and they directly interfere with the mechanics of travel we have grown used to.

If you wanted to go harass some null group, you used to have to scans wormholes, and then rolls them if they were not content bearing.

This was a time investment of course, but it was an option for any group in wormholes to find content.

Now, you just take a filament and you and your group magically appear in someone’s space. I get that this accelerated the process, but this then led to abuse of these filaments as you could then get safe and regroup, to the magically disappear. I myself have abused this with pochven filaments, as that is a very easy way for me to get back to caldari Lowsec, with just a 30 minute window of time devoted to ensuring I’m back “home”.

I would agree that a larger filament would be good, if CCP would acknowledge that filaments are being abused to “get safe”.

I would like to see a change to ALL filaments by restricting their use to ONLY while in Lowsec or highsec. No more easy way out of null for explorers or pvpers. More burning 1000’s of KM of an ess grid waiting a combat timer.

With this restriction the filaments essentially become a one way ticket into null.

I would also want this on all Pochven filaments (obviously not the extraction filaments) as well.

What are your thoughts on the impact filaments, in their current state being to the game, and the implications they have when abused to “get safe”

I like Seddow, he is one of the only legendary pilots in the game that regularly sends me tasteful nudes over the very secure discord application

A vote for Seddow is a vote for content and also for my growing picture collection


@Seddow Do you support hiring (EVE Vanguard) Warclone Mercenaries as an attack/defense vector in Capsuleer conflicts? Like attacking/defending Planetary Infrastructure, Skyhooks/POCOs and Upwell Structures?

As a CSM would you try and pitch for CCP to make stack multi-split (splitting a stack of items into multiple stacks of same size in one go instead of just one split at a time) happen?

O7 Seddow,

Last year I asked eight questions and then compiled the answers into a huge mega-thread. It was massive. With the exception of MILINT_ARC_Trooper, no one had a thread bigger than mine, to be fair MILINT_ARC_Troopers’ thread was so weighty and knowledgable it teetered on the edge of collapsing into its’ own core.

That catalogue of replies is now a time-capsule and encapsulated within are the hopes and disappointments that CSM 18 candidates considered worth speaking about during the year of EVE’s 20th anniversary.

The responses gave voters en masse an opportunity to test and compare each hopeful CSM 18 candidates commitment to their claims of being community oriented, knowledgable, responsive and representative of player values. Given that the CSM does not directly control any aspect of EVE’s development and that the successful candidates are those that can identify existing and future consequences, co-operate with other CSM members, and communicate issues -from a player perspective- to CCP staff one-to-one, I’ve formulated a set of questions designed to seperate the compressed ORE from the Long-Limb Roes in this years election race.

Year-on-year the Independent Representatives, Solo players with single accounts, Worm Holers, Triangle People, Semi-nomadic Role-Playing Sandbox Explorers, and Salvagers, have been organising and gaining traction against the self-secure Null-Bloc Empire Candidates and their vast hordes of leather-skinned, evil, flying-monkeys. More-and-more players are choosing to vote in members they believe can positively impact CCP’s approach to the game regardless of their in-game affiliations.

Exposure matters, who are you, what is your clue?
As was the process last year I will post each candidates reply in a super thread, first-in first-served.

This years questions:

  1. What ONE identifiable consequence requires CCP’s attention?

  2. What PROVABLE evidence can you supply to support your belief in this situation?

  3. What practical, and balanced change can be made to support a solution if any?

  4. What support do your observations have from other CSM candidates?

  5. How will you present your findings to CCP?

If you have already identified and spoken about a problem in your CSM candidacy bio at the top of this thread feel free to copy pasta that response where applicable. I’ll copy paste directly from your response to this post. Choose your goblet…. wisely.

Let the games begin, and may the odds ever be in your favour.

This is true to some degree

I think it would be amazing and CCP should push for some way to EVE and Vanguard to interact affecting the other game.

I would love for split items/multi split to be more efficient - but I have a fear its built into the old POS code and would possibly break the game if it was adjusted. But yes that would be a great QOL feature.

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I agree with you projection needs a nerf - the exact way to accomplish that in a balance matter is the careful thing that needs to happen.

I agree that filaments are used as a get out of jail free card in nullsec. I think they are healthy in a way but they are definitely not being used in their intended way and are being abused. I wonder if you can only use one roaming filament a day or every couple hours maybe would help balance it out. Im not sure that lowsec/highsec as the only place to use it would be the fix.

If you agree projection needs a nurf are you including your own alliance in this nurf?

If anyone in LS goes near your moondrills then 1 guy multiboxing 20 Redeemers or mauraders is there in a few minutes you seem to see a problem with that when null bloks do it but your doing it in LS.

Most small groups would say this isnt helping anyone establish themselfs in LS or improving new player first try at PVP retention in the game.