Youngpuke2 for CSM 19- Rebuilding the Ladder

Hi everyone!

My name is Youngpuke2, and I am running for CSM this year. I am running for CSM this year and will primarily focus on the iteration to the expansions of Havoc and Uprising. My perspectives come from living in all areas of K-space. I have spent most of my career FCing small gang to mid-scale PvP settings. I am the alliance executor of an alliance called Sedition. We are a low-sec and NPC null PVP alliance. I love Eve Online, and I want to be your next CSM Representative.

My Eve Online Story

I have been playing eve online more seriously in beginning in 2016. However, my early beginnings began in the heart of Gallente FW. Where I used to fly with many of the early Gallente militia folks and fighting the Caldari under the Mjlonir Block. Afterwards, I went over to join various pirate alliances and eventually ended up in an alliance called Sedition. After being in Sedition for a long time, I ended up going to null sec with Nullsechanya Sholupen and a few other brief stints in blocs under Fraternity in Into Oblivion. When we heard about the uprising expansion, a few of the old Sedition leadership came back and rebuilt the alliance as the premiere Gallente FW alliance. In 2023, Sedition was found to kill the most isk destroyed in Faction Warfare and I love Eve Online and have been one of the most active players in the game. I hope to use my knowledge and skillset to assist my fellow CSM and CCP in helping steer rudder of CCP game development, as I have been working with both the CSM and CCP for over the past 2 years.

Your areas of expertise. In which areas of the game do you feel you are the most knowledgeable? What qualities set you apart from other candidates?

For over the past two years I have been working with CSM 17/19 and CCP to assist in their game design and development of Faction Warfare and Low-Sec. The Faction Warfare community is a vibrant and passionate bunch of players that for the first time in a decade had dedicated development team focused on iterating Faction Warfare and low-sec. I was luckily selected to be one of members of the Faction Warfare focus group that directly collaborated with CCP on the uprising expansion. This led to one of the best most recent expansions in recent memory. Furthermore, by establishing my relationships with both CSM and CCP developers we were able to continue to iterate on Faction Warfare. Many candidates think they have to be on the CSM in order to make changes in Eve Online. For over the past 2 years, we have been able to iterate on Faction Warfare by working collaboratively with various individuals across New Eden. Some of our accomplishments over the past 2 years are here:

  • Implementation of the LP Tax system and LP transfers
  • Convinced CCP to reinstate LP transfers after removing them
  • Change Plex dynamics to allow for ADV site statics
  • Changed Victory Point of individual plexes to scale
  • Changed Battlefields VP and LP values to increase contestation
  • LP store iteration across the game (i.e., industry items and various other new items into LP stores)
  • Co-founder of the yearly Faction Warfare Face-Off (Next Event is December 7th, 2024, in Auga)
  • Minimized farming effects by limiting LP gain in rearguard systems

The FW community created multiple white letters to offer suggestions and implement iterative improvements that been implemented into the game here:

LP Exchange Removal White Letter

Supporting LP Taxation into Eve Online

Changes Tag requirements in Faction Warfare

Battlefield Suggestions

Implementation of the Ship Caster Drugs into LP Stores

Other wins: Logi pilots now receive LP on kill mails!

Many of these changes have been implemented that were caused by direction collaboration with CCP: Patch Notes - Version 21.05 | EVE Online

More thoughts:

Our FW and low-sec advocacy team, Faction Warfare Parliament, created a PowerPoint that was eventually presented to CCP leadership during the last CSM summit. I hope to capitalize on these ideas here: Faction Warfare Into the Next Decade Draft - Google Slides

Why are you applying for the CSM?

To provide a knowledgeable, non-biased, and extensive perspective for low-sec and faction warfare to the CSM and CCP. I want to continue the hard work we have been doing over the past two years with the CSM and our CCP colleagues. I want to use my expertise and voice to collaborate with my peers in other areas to learn from them and help us all create a better game for everyone by working with my low sec, null sec, high sec, and wormhole peers on the CSM. Together, we can use our knowledge and support the development of Eve Online into a better plane.

What can players expect from you?

  • Open to discuss with anyone regarding issues and development in Eve Online
  • My DMs are always open to communicate with anyone
  • Focus on improving the low-sec ecosystem, faction warfare, and NPC-Null
  • Advocate for the new bro and want to see newer groups thrive and grow throughout the game
  • Support newer FCs and content creators by focusing on ways to minimize burnout and workload in Eve Online
  • Willing to learn information from others with expertise in areas I do not and use our shared knowledge to find common ground and common-sense solutions.

For more information about my areas of advocacy and things I would like to see: Feel free to join my discord here: YP2 CSM 19. I have a page of changes that I am posting!


Faction Warfare

  1. Creation of an awoxing penalty with enlisted players. Most awoxers are competing over the rewards of the sites. Therefore, by creating a time based penalty of not receiving any loyalty points and a severe standings loss will lesson awoxing in the warzone.

  2. Getting rid of tags or finding a solution for them to be utilized in the warzone by loot drops again.

  3. Beacon sites (Listening Posts and Propaganda Beacons) percentage change should be increased from their current amounts to at least 3% changes. The problem is that listening posts and propaganda beacons do not impact advantage enough to make a meaningful difference in system total advantage, particularly given the player time investment to complete them.

  4. Rendezvous sites spawn too frequently, resulting in dramatic swings of advantage in short periods of time. We hope that a change in the spawn rate of rendezvous sites can be made to 2 hours to match the frequency of supply depots and caches.

  5. Implementing a time decay mechanic for high advantaged systems that are not being contested to passively decay.

  6. Continue to iterate on battlefields to make it less unbearable by fixing the respawn of the rats within plex grids. Creation of the randomly spawned ADV battlefield that is ADV-30 site that is Medium ADV rules thus allowing for HAC scale fights.

  7. Implementation of Shadow War Ship Caster Drugs and adding them to all the LP stores via BPCs.

  8. Ihub iteration by increasing the rewards of LP of destroying of flipping the IHUB. Allow IHUBs to increase green sites in friendly controlled systems (i.e., mining anoms).

  9. Removing -5 navy sites and only making -5 sites only advanced sites to allow for players more opportunities to fight in smaller scale T2/pirate ship fights.

  10. Tackle (points) placed within all plexes.

Citadel Mechanics

  1. Decrease the variability of Citadel Warfare from ±3 hours to ± 1.5 hours. A lot of people do not have time to manage a potential 6 hour window.

  2. Creation of siege structures that would been skin in the game for attackers that just cannot off timezone ref structures and blue ball timers. Force people to engage or else lose a “core” or the “siege structure”

  3. To limit Ansi projection being able to bubble and tackle folks on Ansi gates would limit folks projection by limiting their ability to take the gate while pointed. There should be discussions with the CSM to manage long term projection and regional projection. Focus should taken careful on how to support the smaller groups in eve.

  4. Metenox iteration: The time to change timers is bugged as it is a month not a week. 2 hour window should be looked at and increased timezone variability from 1 hour window to 2 hours to allow for more cross-timezone PVP.

Low-Sec and Ships:

  1. Continue to advocate for industry changes that have been presented by Angry Mustache and work with colleagues to advocate for cheaper ships overall. Capital class vessels are still to expensive to be used on a more frequent basis. Simplifying the overall industrial process.

  2. Over the years low-sec has lost many systems due to pochven expansion and various other expansions. Adding more low-sec systems would give folks more room to grow! Crazy ask, but I think the game in low-sec has shrunk a lot.

  3. Revoke part of the surgical strike nerfs to TC3s and Fax (Buff their EHP) to allow more usage in capital gameplay for groups instead of fax being just only fodder. Improving subcapital logistics ships as well and having more options for subcapital logi (i.e., logi battleships that are not only nestors).

  4. Increase forms of passive income streams that was done with both LP tax and metenox. Allow for other avenues of passive income in the game like a form of skyhooks in low-sec to encourage more small gang pvp raiding.

  5. Advocate for CCP to remove the previous Skyhook raiding nerfs, as it is implemented poorly and hooks are not able to raid as frequently. It also hurts new FC development, as skyhook content is a fantastic way to continue to grow new generation of FCs to learn how to PVP.


Puke is a good dude who is absurdly active in a bustling ecosystem (low-sec) and is always talking about balance or game design or whatever else would make the game better. He is active in getting new players engaged in the game via Frog Pond, and to my knowledge has zero disclosable interests in any kind of legacy wealth or power structure to uphold.

As a sign of good faith and also me being very lazy, this post will burn the identity of a market/forum/trade alt I have used for years.

  • Ohh Yeah

Edit: Also I am not even being hyperbolic, I have seen Youngpuke put up more kills in a week (7 days) than Mike Azariah has in his entire career (222)


Puke grew up in a hard working blue collar family. A vote for Puke is a vote for small gang, and midscale content which is the pinnacle of Eve PVP. Out of the hundreds of fights I’ve flown with Puke I’ve only seen Tidi in my career twice. I strongly believe he has great vision for the game, and the community.



Oh dear…

But really, Puke is pretty great at getting things rolling and really does care about small gang in lowsec. Love him or hate him in game, he’s got the right mentality.


Flying with Puke makes me glad I have no more hair to lose, in a good way. He rises to just about any challenge and puts out a kind of energy most could only achieve with a good prescription, which is pretty much exactly what the CSM could do with. Lowsec’s tiller definitely needs some steering and he’s a great option for that. Facwar has seen some amazing improvements in the last couple of years, and with some fine tuning and fresh mechanics that momentum can be kept up. If anyone’s going to advocate for that effectively its going to be Puke. o7


My name is Chuck Norris, and i approve this message.


I’ve worked with YP for years and he’s a very passionate, knowledgeable and devoted custodian of our Eve universe. I would be happy to see him on the CSM.


Anyone who plays low-sec has spent time around YP2. Despite never being on the same team, I have worked with YP2 on countless content opportunities and he seems to always have a scheme in the works.

Low security is one of the most fun places in eve to play and supports a huge player base. Low security space deserves more CSM representation.


When I served on the CSM, I talked regularly with YP2 who is one of the individuals most invested in the betterment of this game that I have ever had the pleasure of coming across.

I wholly support YP2’s CSM campaign. He’s got the knowledge, the drive, and the intelligence to do the job and it’s all wrapped up with the bow of being a generally pleasant person to talk to.


While I was on the CSM, I spent a lot of time talking to Youngpuke when I needed info on what was going on in FW and lowsec. He knows his stuff and I think he’ll make a fine CSM member.


The contributions to Low Sec and FW he linked in his CSM bid are true. He’s already spearheaded or facilitated a ton of change without the CSM tag and has vowed to continue regardless of the election results.

YP2 embodies the true spirit of low-sec and advocates on behalf of small-gang/low-sec/FW groups on all sides of the war-zone. Just look at the respect and endorsements he’s garnered from those we actively fight.

Dude truly just loves the game and wants to see it treated that way, as a game. He’s always working to generate content with, against, and between all parties all in the name of fun. If he were elected I’m sure he would tirelessly advocate for more fun, engaging, usable, and fair content that would benefit the entire game. Not just low-sec.


Im still waiting on your csm post hehe

I’ve flown with Youngpuke2 since Sedition held sovereignty in Scalding Pass back in 2021 when I was leading an alliance fresh out of highsec and full of largely new players. My time working with Youngpuke2 off and on back then and throughout the following years has more than demonstrated his capability in bettering the experience of new player groups, both on their side and on the opposite side of the fight.

As someone who has Youngpuke2’s alliance Sedition bring fights to our space near daily I can attest to Youngpuke2 being actively involved in the community and well acquainted with the current status of EVE Online. I firmly believe Youngpuke2 will be an excellent member of the CSM and will do a fantastic job further bettering the game for all EVE players.


YP2 parts the seas of mediocrity and reveals the land of KMs and content. Seriously, this is a guy who is deeply passionate about the game and the low-sec and NPC null aspects specifically. His entire goal is to make content and engage players (figuratively and literally). This is a guy who will actually give a damn and work to make the game fun for you.


YoungPuke2 is exactly the kind of person we need on the CSM.

He’s smart, passionate about the game, listens to other people’s opinions, and he works his ass off trying to make the game fun for everyone – including the people he is fighting. In other words he is the polar opposite of the “representation” we have received from the CSMs we have now.

YP has my support 100%!


I’ve fought against youngpuke2 since 2019 extensively in FW, small gang, mid size fleets, and coalition vs coalition regional battles with I-RED, and Deepwater Hooligans. I can think of no better person to help communicate the interests of new and veteran players alike to enjoy EVE PVP in all its glory.! Youngpuke day after day is a content driver for any region he ventures into.


Youngpuke2 is someone who i can 100% confidently endorse for a spot on the CSM. Between all the high sec noobs and the NS bloc puppets, he is someone who is very knowledgeable of the game, very enthusiastic, and is great at communication with almost anyone. To continue improving FW, LS, and the game in general we need someone like Youngpuke2 on the CSM.


I’m John Revenent and this is my favourite Candidate for CSM 19.

I’ve flown against YP2 about as much as I’ve flown with him, he’s a solid FC who brings content to players of all walks in EvE. I’ve also worked with him behind the scenes with his efforts to make Factional Warfare fun and engaging for all involved.

The man has my full endorsement! Vote Puke!


Youngpuke2 hasn’t really done anything other than small gang pvp and batphone.
To do all those changes you need to know how faction warfare even works. This propaganda is just to get the CSM title and show off to people . I would not give my vote to this kid .
The only people voting for him are his alliance mates and friends. So, vote smart people .

I’m proud to endorse youngpuke2 as a candidate for the EVE Online Council of Stellar Management (CSM). As a dedicated low sec fleet commander, youngpuke2 has consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities within the low security space of New Eden. Their leadership skills, strategic thinking, and commitment to creating engaging content for players make them an ideal representative for the CSM.

youngpuke2 has always been approachable and professional, fostering a collaborative environment where both new and veteran players thrive. Their experience as a fleet commander in low sec combat has given them invaluable insight into game mechanics and the player experience, which they are eager to bring to the CSM. They understand the importance of balancing the needs of different player groups, and I am confident that youngpuke2 will be an effective voice for the low sec community and the wider EVE Online player base.

With their passion for the game and clear vision for its future, I believe youngpuke2 would be a fantastic addition to the CSM. I fully support their candidacy and encourage the community to do the same!