Hexator (Crabsalot) Gaming for CSM

I hope you enjoy these doggos as much as I do. I can share more if you vote for me.
Now, the question is, why should you vote for me? Maybe because of the dog picture. I really don’t have any other arguments.

Now the part where I talk about myself. (You can skip it if you want. I’ll mark the next part.)

If you didn’t skip, I actually have to write something now. Or do you want to skip now? Okay, you got me, I’ll start now.

I started EVE as a small guy. I was mining Veldspar with a friend of mine, and we watched YouTube together. One day, we saw a video of someone making MILLIONS doing level 2 missions. And we wanted to do the same. We died. My friend became inactive afterwards, and I went back to Veldspar mining. I found a new friend, and together we grinded for a Covetor. One day, he left me, and I was alone in space again. So, I looked for new friends and found a corporation. They took me in, but I had to fill out 10 pages of paperwork. It was a German corporation.

I was happy again, surrounded by a lot of people who mined with me. But there was one problem—I had to leave the cozy Highsec and go to the scary Nullsec. I DID IT! And I was happy afterward. There were a lot of funny people. I spent some time there, grinding my skill points and building up my wallet. But I always had the desire for more. I wanted to do PvP, and I did. I grabbed my Caracal, roamed around, and died. I was saving money for a Raven to fight the baddies with it. I died again. This continued until, one day, someone approached me and invited me into an “elite small gang” group (his words, not mine).

With some help from friends, I started to get better. They told me unbelievable things like “faction missiles hit better than Fury missiles.” Ridiculous, I know. Anyway, we blasted together. One day, they left me. Took the famous EVE break. Won the game. I was alone again.

After flying solo for a bit, I found a new group. The vibe was perfect. And I mean perfectly. We drank a lot of funny liquids, sang songs until 3 a.m., and somehow managed to dominate on-grid. But everything comes to an end. More and more people went inactive until, finally, the day came when I took my well-deserved break after four years of playing EVE. Some old friends tried to pull me back, but I just needed my break.

After two years, I had the desire to return. But where should I go? None of my old friends were playing anymore. So, I looked for new people, new groups, and a new corporation. Anything was better than playing alone again. I found a group, and we clicked. I made new friends. We had fun together until we didn’t. So, I created my own corporation: The Loot & Scoot Salvage Co. I scooped up some new people I had just met, but old friends also came back and joined, even some from my early days in EVE.

Opening this corporation was the best thing I’ve done so far in EVE. But the start was scary. Now, we’re a bunch of funny people, joking around and doing what we like.

→ Here is the skip point ←

As for the CSM thing, I saw it and thought, why not? I can’t lose, and maybe I can make some things better than before. My focus is around wormholes. Last year, my corp and I decided to leave Thera and stop doing PvP in Nullsec. We temporarily deployed in a wormhole and waited for the summer patches. It sounded so promising. We were hyped for Nullsec, even planning to take a bit of sov. But month after month, we became more and more disappointed. Every new patch note after the initial summer patch crushed our dream little by little.

I hated that, and I’ll try to make it better if I get voted onto the CSM. I think I have some good ideas too. We’ll see.

I will mainly focus on PvP and PvE content, especially wormholes and more single-account PvE content. Newbro content is also important to me. The game needs new players, and we have to work on that. But I won’t promise anything—that would be wrong.


Love the content you put out on YT, but what are somethings you want to focus on in the PvE section on WH space, or rather more specifically C5/C6 wormholes? Do you think that there can be supplemental content for the drifter income loss for sub-caps? Do you think that you can get the Drifter back to run with only sub-caps?

I think C5/C6 ratting is in a decent spot. I do it myself, and it’s still good money. However, the data sites are poor for hacking. They should get a little rebalancing. Also my corp mates had a brilliant idea: in lower-class wormholes, it would be awesome to have better hackable sites that are less contested by rats than the current ones, with a focus more on hacking. Something like sleeper caches but more frequent. Also, finding a way to make C1 more popular would be great.
About the drifter I don’t think I, you or any csm member has the power to revert it. It is a change ccp made and we have to live with it.

I disagree on the drifter part and on the whole of c5/c6 ratting being in a decent spot. The amount of isk capital you have to put in is ridiculous for chump change. I would say that bringing supplemental content in to makeup for the income less would be ideal such as roid belts in all whs and certain classes getting wormhole specific ore just like Pochven does.

The most popular aspect of C1 holes though is PI. It sucks but it is what it is. If anything C4s are pretty dead. Its in the same category of C5 space with it not being worth the isk and risk.

CSMs do have the power to revert it as we saw earlier this year with the Equinox changes made for null-sec after a reddit post went out about how much it sucked. Also things to keep in mind is that after CCP nerfed incursions, they changed it, they nerfed Pochven income, then changed it. I do not like the current thought of “CCP did it and we have to live with it.” It has been shown they can revert changes and make the game better… if you have influence with CCP that is…

Hi man,

I saw a good youtube video.
" How to make 5 bill ISK per\hour in 2023 EVE Online"

Maybe you can try this. It seems a lot of money.

I agree with the C4. C4 must get better. Maybe reduce the spawnrate of C5 and C6 WH sites and increase the spawnrate in C4 wormholes.

Cheers o/

@Hexator_Gaming Do you support hiring (EVE Vanguard) Warclone Mercenaries as an attack/defense vector in Capsuleer conflicts? Like attacking/defending Planetary Infrastructure, Skyhooks/POCOs and Upwell Structures?

As a CSM would you try and pitch for CCP to make stack multi-split (splitting a stack of items into multiple stacks of same size in one go instead of just on split at a time) happen?

Are you going to CSM meeting with your wolfpack?

I will be live today at 16 utc. I am sadly not allowed to bring friends and emotional support to that talk. But maybe you get some answers there.

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O7 Hexator (Crabsalot) Gaming,

Last year I asked eight questions and then compiled the answers into a huge mega-thread. It was massive. With the exception of MILINT_ARC_Trooper, no one had a thread bigger than mine, to be fair MILINT_ARC_Troopers’ thread was so weighty and knowledgable it teetered on the edge of collapsing into its’ own core.

That catalogue of replies is now a time-capsule and encapsulated within are the hopes and disappointments that CSM 18 candidates considered worth speaking about during the year of EVE’s 20th anniversary.

The responses gave voters en masse an opportunity to test and compare each hopeful CSM 18 candidates commitment to their claims of being community oriented, knowledgable, responsive and representative of player values. Given that the CSM does not directly control any aspect of EVE’s development and that the successful candidates are those that can identify existing and future consequences, co-operate with other CSM members, and communicate issues -from a player perspective- to CCP staff one-to-one, I’ve formulated a set of questions designed to seperate the compressed ORE from the Long-Limb Roes in this years election race.

Year-on-year the Independent Representatives, Solo players with single accounts, Worm Holers, Triangle People, Semi-nomadic Role-Playing Sandbox Explorers, and Salvagers, have been organising and gaining traction against the self-secure Null-Bloc Empire Candidates and their vast hordes of leather-skinned, evil, flying-monkeys. More-and-more players are choosing to vote in members they believe can positively impact CCP’s approach to the game regardless of their in-game affiliations.

Exposure matters, who are you, what is your clue?
As was the process last year I will post each candidates reply in a super thread, first-in first-served.

This years questions:

  1. What ONE identifiable consequence requires CCP’s attention?

  2. What PROVABLE evidence can you supply to support your belief in this situation?

  3. What practical, and balanced change can be made to support a solution if any?

  4. What support do your observations have from other CSM candidates?

  5. How will you present your findings to CCP?

If you have already identified and spoken about a problem in your CSM candidacy bio at the top of this thread feel free to copy pasta that response where applicable. I’ll copy paste directly from your response to this post. Choose your goblet…. wisely.

Let the games begin, and may the odds ever be in your favour.

Careful, you omitted the cat :smirk_cat: