Creatnos for CSM19

Hello Gamers,

I am Creatnos, a once youthful kid saddened by the loss of his cormorant, now a slightly more mature kid saddened by the loss of skyhook raiding. I am running for CSM for the first time. For my Eve career I have mostly stayed out of the spotlight, so many of you probably do not know me by name, but chances are, someone you know, knows me.

I started playing this game back in 2010 right around the time I was starting high school so i pretty much grew up with this game. I started off in Hisec, enjoying the day to day missioning, fighting off the mean wardeccers, and occasionally peeking into lowsec to see what real pvp was all about.

Over a decade has passed and I have experienced pretty much everything this game has to offer. I participated in the Great Wars, like being a line member in a drake in DBRB fleets. Bombed armor bs fleets of old with Wrik Hoover and Cloak Squad in the south. Fought the world with Elo in Black Legion and the fcs of old in Pandemic Legion. Roamed wormhole space with Noobman and HK. Founded NSH (the original GW version). Ran faction warfare complexes and spearfished individual ships out of entire fleets. Iā€™ve spent more hours than I can count practicing for Alliance Tournaments and hunting supers moving through lowsec and nullsec. The last couple of months I have enjoyed all that skyhook raiding had to offer, killing the occasional traveling super and more recently am involved in a small war that has broken out in lowsec.

The reason I am running for CSM is in hopes of keeping the flame going that keeps us wanting to play this game. I have made many friends in the years I have played this game that I have known for almost 15 years and still make new friends to this day. My focus on CSM would be improvements related to PvP for those primarily in lowsec and their interactions with nullsec, as well as with nullsec as on its own. Some of the things I am interested in below.

  • Skyhook Raiding - This is a huge content driver. Admittedly the stealing was too easy, but the proposed changes are bad. Very bad. I hope to help bring some parity to this mechanic where both the aggressor and defender want to interact with it. Equinox changes as a whole started out looking promising, but have been on a gradual decline ever since the first patch.
  • Metenox Moon Drills - This is another big content driver, and fighting over them day in and out for the last month I have a pretty good feeling on the hp amounts that attackers and defenders have to deal with. I think some healthy changes can be made that would put these in a better state. Also I have had some shower thoughts about limiting drills to only harvesting R8 and higher.
  • Force Projection - Eve has become significantly smaller since I started playing, and back in the day we were able to take 50 supers and go north to south in 10 minutes. Between uni wormholes, ansiblexes, zarzakh (prior to recent events), maneuvering the universe became too easy. At least in the past, the wormhole highway required people to put some effort into scanning to get around places.
  • Fozziesov - I personally dislike ever going away from SBUs to the way sov wanding works now. I would like to see some change because the state it is in now isnā€™t particularly fun.
  • Capital/Supercapital Ship Changes - I think there is a lot of work that can be done to better the state of all capitals. Carrier changes were definitely a good start. I would like to see a world where people are at least somewhat interested in using their supers outside of beacons, but cost and effectiveness prevents that. Lancers being used almost exclusively for killing jump freighters also seems like a void that can be filled. Carrier fighters could use some refinement.
  • Contact and Bookmark QOL changes - Allow for more contacts slots (currently 1024) for the purpose of NPSI fleets. Also increase shared bookmark folders from 3 to 5 and maybe add some more bookmark slots to those folders.
  • Pochven - I personally dislike pochven in its entirety, but I especially would like to see some of the isk faucet cut down.

I donā€™t have immediate solutions for all these topics, nor do I expect to please everyone, but what I can say is that I am very good at talking to people and I regularly interact with people from all across our community. I want to hear what peopleā€™s opinions are about all aspects of the game and I hope to be as transparent as possible both with you all and with CCP in hopes of bettering this game we spend too much time playing. I have a ton of experience in this game and hopefully that history can better our future.

Interview with Kshal:

Interview with Frozen Fallout:

Get in touch with me on discord ā€˜creatnosā€™

ŠŸŠøшŠøтŠµ Š² Š“ŠøсŠŗŠ¾Ń€Š“ ā€˜creatnosā€™


Creatnos is a good man with good ideas. I wholeheartedly endorse him

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@creatnos Do you support hiring (EVE Vanguard) Warclone Mercenaries as an attack/defense vector in Capsuleer conflicts? Like attacking/defending Planetary Infrastructure, Skyhooks/POCOs and Upwell Structures?

As a CSM would you try and pitch for CCP to make stack multi-split (splitting a stack of items into multiple stacks of same size in one go instead of just on split at a time) happen?

I havenā€™t done a whole lot with EvE vanguard but I would say I would only support it to a minimal level of impact. I donā€™t think any of the main conflict drivers in EvE should be affected by Vanguard, especially with the difference in player bases.

Regarding multisplit, it is not something i ever thought about but it would be a useful tool for fueling metenox drills so I am open to trying to make that happen.

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Added a discord server for anyone who wants to chat about my stance on any game mechanics or whatever else.

O7 Creatnos,

Last year I asked eight questions and then compiled the answers into a huge mega-thread. It was massive. With the exception of MILINT_ARC_Trooper, no one had a thread bigger than mine, to be fair MILINT_ARC_Troopersā€™ thread was so weighty and knowledgable it teetered on the edge of collapsing into itsā€™ own core.

That catalogue of replies is now a time-capsule and encapsulated within are the hopes and disappointments that CSM 18 candidates considered worth speaking about during the year of EVEā€™s 20th anniversary.

The responses gave voters en masse an opportunity to test and compare each hopeful CSM 18 candidates commitment to their claims of being community oriented, knowledgable, responsive and representative of player values. Given that the CSM does not directly control any aspect of EVEā€™s development and that the successful candidates are those that can identify existing and future consequences, co-operate with other CSM members, and communicate issues -from a player perspective- to CCP staff one-to-one, Iā€™ve formulated a set of questions designed to seperate the compressed ORE from the Long-Limb Roes in this years election race.

Year-on-year the Independent Representatives, Solo players with single accounts, Worm Holers, Triangle People, Semi-nomadic Role-Playing Sandbox Explorers, and Salvagers, have been organising and gaining traction against the self-secure Null-Bloc Empire Candidates and their vast hordes of leather-skinned, evil, flying-monkeys. More-and-more players are choosing to vote in members they believe can positively impact CCPā€™s approach to the game regardless of their in-game affiliations.

Exposure matters, who are you, what is your clue?
As was the process last year I will post each candidates reply in a super thread, first-in first-served.

This years questions:

  1. What ONE identifiable consequence requires CCPā€™s attention?

  2. What PROVABLE evidence can you supply to support your belief in this situation?

  3. What practical, and balanced change can be made to support a solution if any?

  4. What support do your observations have from other CSM candidates?

  5. How will you present your findings to CCP?

If you have already identified and spoken about a problem in your CSM candidacy bio at the top of this thread feel free to copy pasta that response where applicable. Iā€™ll copy paste directly from your response to this post. Choose your gobletā€¦. wisely.

Let the games begin, and may the odds ever be in your favour.

  1. Skyhook changes that just got released.
  2. Reddit uproar, talking to about every person on discord Ive interacted with in the last month,
  3. The secure bay was enough to balance the skyhook on its own in my opinion as a very minimum, in fact I think its a lot cleaner than the old maturation bay. For timers, it would have been alot better to create something like a 6 hour a day invuln time rather than 1hr per 3 day vuln timer.
  4. Most other candidates agree the severity of the changes were too much. And those who believe they were good in entirety donā€™t actually care for the health of the game, only their own wallet.
  5. Compile some data about how little fights have been occuring over skyhooks and explain to ccp that this is now just a nationalized passive income stream for null blocs.
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Creatnos is great guy to fly with. Great pilot and fun to play with. He is well versed in all things EvE and actively fleets up, both for PVP and PVE ops. I know he will give a great player perspective to CCP and will advocate for common sense changes aimed at driving content. For those reasons, I personally endorse Creatnos to serve on CSM19!

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I know right, Ashterothi released a you tube video a few days ago examining how poorly advertised the Orbital Skyhooks are within the Agency window. There is no way to view which Skyhooks are coming into vulnerability and when they do become vulnerable the vulnerability window is so short as to make any possibility of a a successful raid against a group that intends to defend the structure nearly impossible. Every advantage has been given to the defence of this resource generating structureā€¦

Thank you so much for coming and talking to me Friday night! Best of luck!

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tightest bh in the universe vouch

2 days til voting ends, donā€™t forget to vote. Revenant expansion is coming soon and we need the best and brightest ready to let ccp know how to balance DOT ships.

Asking all CSM candidates this question
Fighting against toxicity is a strong case, as it comes with the territory of gaming -everywhere-

However. How would you handle a hypothetical stalemate wherein both parties are believe the other to be toxic, but only one party can really be telling the truth.

But then again, truth is based on the perspective of the perceiver.

How would you handle this?

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