Viciate for CSM 19

Short Survey for voters

Interview with CCP Swift and CCP Lumi

Interview with Kshal Aideron of Eve Rookies

Upcoming Campaign Appearances

Eve to me is a game of moments, so I think it’s easiest to summarize my story as such.

I joined Pandemic Horde just in time to move from Querious to Fade and ultimately Pure Blind.

I joined Mouth Trumpet Cavalry in time to participate in the Jaded eviction. I even tried running the corp for a few months after leadership burnout. It was ignominious yet invaluable in terms of lessons learned in humility.

I spent some time with Suddenly Pineapples during its brief existence.

I’ve been interested in factional warfare for a while, and have been flying with FL33T for the past 6 months. My primary lens of the game is facwar, with an emphasis on PVP content.

One thing that has consistently been a part of my identity in Eve has been my enthusiasm for small gang content. Flying in interceptors, anti-tackle, and support frigates with MCAV forced me to place a lot of importance on manual piloting and individual player skill expression. I’m not necessarily great at it, but i’m very enthusiastic about it.

More recently, I have been focusing on the warzone and how the environment reacts to various factions’ efforts.

Another part of Eve that has always been core to my enjoyment is the wormhole chain mapping aspect of exploration. I love that in Eve you can truly explore new permutations of wormhole connections that are fresh. In a game as established as Eve, it’s rare to see something that keeps the environment feeling fresh.

Eve has taught me a lot of things, but most important is that the health of the game thrives on good communication. I am not always great at first impressions, but I am passionate about Eve, and part of good communication must come from genuine passion for the game.

With all of that in mind, I endeavor to work for the playerbase as a fellow enjoyer of the game.

As your CSM representative, I will strive to provide open communication within the boundaries provided to me. I will avail myself to anyone and everyone who wishes to provide feedback appropriate for CSM representatives to convey to CCP. I will also approach any and all feedback from a perspective of enjoyment first, IE “Is this fun for the playerbase?”

I will endeavor to work with my fellow CSM representatives as part of a whole to promote the desires of the playerbase, regardless of my individual feelings or opinions.

I will make every effort to maintain contact with the players from all walks of Eve so that we can make heard our voice.

Eve is my favorite game of all time, and it deserves a candidate who will advocate for not only the health of the playerbase, but the health of content, for a healthy game is a happy game.

And on these foundations, I ask you to consider a change.


@Viciate Do you support hiring (EVE Vanguard) Warclone Mercenaries as an attack/defense vector in Capsuleer conflicts? Like attacking/defending Planetary Infrastructure, Skyhooks/POCOs and Upwell Structures?

As a CSM would you try and pitch for CCP to make stack multi-split (splitting a stack of items into multiple stacks of same size in one go instead of just on split at a time) happen?

I was around when facwar could do planetary bombardments on Dust514 maps and I thought the inter-game interaction was really fun. I have no idea the feasibility of inter-game interaction with Vanguard currently, but I’m always in favor of things being more immersive.

As for stack multi-split: I see this as a quality of life issue, and i am generally in favor of advocating for quality of life improvements. Things that make things better for everyone are good for the game.

That said, I’m not a game dev and have no idea how feasible these things are, but in my capacity as CSM I will voice the playerbase desires for quality of life improvements.

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O7 Viciate,

Last year I asked eight questions and then compiled the answers into a huge mega-thread. It was massive. With the exception of MILINT_ARC_Trooper, no one had a thread bigger than mine, to be fair MILINT_ARC_Troopers’ thread was so weighty and knowledgable it teetered on the edge of collapsing into its’ own core.

That catalogue of replies is now a time-capsule and encapsulated within are the hopes and disappointments that CSM 18 candidates considered worth speaking about during the year of EVE’s 20th anniversary.

The responses gave voters en masse an opportunity to test and compare each hopeful CSM 18 candidates commitment to their claims of being community oriented, knowledgable, responsive and representative of player values. Given that the CSM does not directly control any aspect of EVE’s development and that the successful candidates are those that can identify existing and future consequences, co-operate with other CSM members, and communicate issues -from a player perspective- to CCP staff one-to-one, I’ve formulated a set of questions designed to seperate the compressed ORE from the Long-Limb Roes in this years election race.

Year-on-year the Independent Representatives, Solo players with single accounts, Worm Holers, Triangle People, Semi-nomadic Role-Playing Sandbox Explorers, and Salvagers, have been organising and gaining traction against the self-secure Null-Bloc Empire Candidates and their vast hordes of leather-skinned, evil, flying-monkeys. More-and-more players are choosing to vote in members they believe can positively impact CCP’s approach to the game regardless of their in-game affiliations.

Exposure matters, who are you, what is your clue?
As was the process last year I will post each candidates reply in a super thread, first-in first-served.

This years questions:

  1. What ONE identifiable consequence requires CCP’s attention?

  2. What PROVABLE evidence can you supply to support your belief in this situation?

  3. What practical, and balanced change can be made to support a solution if any?

  4. What support do your observations have from other CSM candidates?

  5. How will you present your findings to CCP?

If you have already identified and spoken about a problem in your CSM candidacy bio at the top of this thread feel free to copy pasta that response where applicable. I’ll copy paste directly from your response to this post. Choose your goblet…. wisely.

Let the games begin, and may the odds ever be in your favour.

  • If I had to pick a single source of friction that would be seen as an identifiable issue to take up, I would select factional warfare standings.
  • The proof of this lies in the player workaround for factional warfare standings wherein players make alpha alts to boost a corp’s overall standings.
  • I don’t think the solution lies in breaking the workaround; I think instead the solution lies in either changing or removing factional standings as a requirement for being enlisted in factional warfare.
  • I’m honestly not sure what support my observations have from other CSM candidates, but I would welcome the opportunity to work with both CSM and CCP to investigate possibe solutions.
  • I would present my findings to CCP by pointing out my observations and backing up with data where I can(login metrics, survey results, testimonials from players, etc). As I have never been in a CSM meeting, I don’t know what the process looks like, but I am sure there is a reasonable protocol for presenting such things.
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Hi Viciate

Let’s go, what I want in FW is a special wardec system, I want almost the old wardec system among FW corps/alliances. If I have my own tiny enlitsted FW corp I want to be able to wardec corp/alliances that have at least one member in Minmil or Amarrmil or Angels. I also want to offer assistance in any war if the defender is an enlisted alliance/corp without requiring me to anchor anything, if I want to defend Minmatar Fl33t or Wild Geese or Ushra’Khan then I should be able to.

In my vision, if Fraternity has at least one player enlisted as invidual, then I should be able to wardec their entire alliance and be able to freely kill them all even in highsec, and I don’t want to anchor anything. They will be able to wardec me only if they enlist their entire alliance in my FW axis (minmil, amarrmil, angels), if they just have individuals enlisted then I want to be able to wardec them as much as I want. If they never join FW as alliance, they will only be able to wardec me through today’s system if I ever anchor something.

The idea is that among FW entities (players, corps and alliances) we should have the power of the old wardec system and for wardeccing us then you have to enlist as corp/alliance in the eternal war. EVE should have two wardec system, one for FW and the other is today’s POS eligibility.

The empires/CONCORD should give us the power to fight, so removing the hurdles of today’s system is necesary, I want to kill seagulls, kill farmers, kill awoxers (I do awox too sometimes, sometimes it’s necessary, you know very well how it is). This will fix all the situation created by possible standings hits while we run the civil war in the wz.

Hopefully, you two will buy my idea and push this idea to all FW candidates, to CSM members and CCP employess so we can finally have this: old wardec system among FW entities (even if you have a single pilot enlisted individually then you are also a FW entitiy, so any FW corp/alliance can wardec your entire corp/alliance even your miners on highsec will be killed).

CCPlease, make the Civil War Expansion happen and we will fix the LP value by force.

Nullsec has space, FW should have power of the good wardec system… the good wardec system is my idea of having the old wardec system among only FW entities.

Best regards,

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thanks for taking the time to post this!

I do plan on advocating for changes in factional warfare space that favor goodfaith interactions with factional warfare over LP farming, and from what i’ve seen both in posts like yours and on discord servers and in CSM interview live chat is that the current state of factional warfare does not reflect our desired state of good faith interaction.

That said, I cannot guarantee what CCP will do with anything i bring to them in my potential capacity as CSM, but I endeavor to be the best messenger I can be.

Viciate, I am really impressed with your reply. It really seems to me as though you understood perfectly the intention behind my questions.

Will you be doing any interviews on you tube?

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I’ll be sitting with Kshal Aideron tomorrow at 1600 UTC for an interview, and i’ll be doing a live Q&A on my own YouTube channel at some point after that as well.

I’ll update my main post with links and times as I figure them out.

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I look forward to listening to it.

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Thank you so much for coming out and talking with me! It was a lot of fun!


thanks for doing these interviews! I’ve been watching all of them, and it’s been fun to hear everyone’s stories on how they got into Eve.

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