Switch 4 for CSM 19


About Me

I have played Eve since 2007. I am the CEO of Heretic Army and an alliance exec in Divine Damnation. I also am the lead FC of the public aspect of the Angel Cartel. In my 17 years in this game, I’ve taken part in ALL aspects of the game from high-sec care bearing to low-sec piracy, and massive null bloc insanity. I also actively fly everything from frigates to supers. I’ve seen some amazing new things that CCP has introduced, things that failed, and some crazy rebalances and nerfs. Through all the PvP, PvE, and industry, my heart and home has always been as a low-sec pirate. I found my PvP and pirate routes in Minmatar Faction Warfare as one of its lead FCs when it first was introduced in the game. To this day, I still live in Amamake with my Corp/Alliance, though now as part of the Angel Cartel pirate faction.

In real life, I have kids, work full time, and volunteer in public safety as a firefighter, EMT, and search and rescue diver. As the Captain of the dive team, I know well how to be a voice of reason, an open communicator, and a proactive leader in facing and fixing challenges ahead. I am not afraid to stand steadfast in my beliefs and have constructive debate. I am also not one to sit idly when it comes to the hard discussions.

Why I want to be here

One of the biggest reasons I am applying for the CSM is that in all my years in Eve, I’ve felt like groups such as mine have always drawn the short straw. While I deeply understand the sheer amount of the player base located in null and high sec, I feel like too much representation has been focused there, and with the large groups that have nearly null level interests in low sec.
The push for me to finally pursue a CSM spot was the introduction of Pirate FW, its hype, its lackluster release and its inability to keep players engaged. The LP grinding ISK factory that Faction Warfare has become, and the constant AWOX threats, are a morale killer and I would love to be the voice to spearhead changes, both small and large.

My campaign is focused on being the voice for the small gang PvP groups, the solo pilots, and the Faction Warfare groups. The people grinding day in and day out trying to carve their small spot in Eve. Even after 17 years, I can’t claim to be an expert in all things Eve, I learn new things every day. What you can expect from me, is a CSM representative who will continue to learn and grow with you. Someone who will fight for positive changes for everyone. I will be someone that you can come to with problems and requests, to know that I hear them, and to know that those issues will be addressed with CCP.

I want nothing more than to see low sec thrive and to see continued interest from players both new and old, friend or foe. Although I have strong interests/ties to low sec, I want Eve as a whole to thrive as a game and a community. Some of the best friends and biggest laughs I have had in life are with the brothers and sisters I have met here. I want that to continue for another 17 years.

Some Key Issues

  • Limited time reopening(s) of SISI (Test Server) throughout the year

  • Curb the LP Farm that FW has become

  • Push for changes in mechanics that result in harsher penalties for AWOXing allied militia members

  • Find meaningful solutions to the flood of bot accounts.

  • Work on mechanics changes that offer meaningful, lasting purposes for pirate faction groups.

  • Fix Zarzakh and FOB mechanics

  • Keep low-sec moons a haven for content

  • Push for more small to mid-size fleet incentives.

  • Ensure positive industry changes that align across the board for both large and small-scale groups.

  • More capital ship balancing

Smaller things like:

  • New player customizable and manufacturable items (custom fireworks anyone?)

  • More Police SKINs

If there is anything else you’d like to hear, or know, please ask away! If you want to hop in comms and discuss any of the above and more, please feel free to join the discord below!

Divine Damnation - Alliance Discord

Angel Cartel - Angel Cartel Public Discord

My Twitch

Reddit link where I’ve gone in depth on some of my pushes Reddit - Dive into anything

You can find more information on the podcasts/streams that I have appeared in:

Federation Frontline Report w/ Frozen Fallout

In Fleet Interview w/ BigglesworthXD

Eve University CSM Townhall

CCP CSM Interview

Eve Rookies Interview w/ Kshal Aideron


you have my vote. small gang pvp and FW and the decline in low sec. not that CCP wont hear him but better a pvper then jita warriors

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This guy is absolutely awesome! Super chill and a fantastic FC. He’s got my vote!

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flown with this guy for a while pretty great guy and knows what a decent part of lowsec fw players could use to make it more entertaining+ we need buildable fireworks

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Switch 4 would make a great addition to the CSM and help bring positive changes to tp FW and low sec.

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This guy is a legend, I really think he should be CSM to help with content and to make low sec great.

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Ive flown with Switch 4 for years and his dedication to the game (which you just lost) is unrivaled and hes also a vary caring dude


Honestly this guy and some of his friends kidnaped me a while ago and I have no escape. Please vote for CSM so he may let me go freely.


You’ll never escape…just embrace it.

100% have my vote

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Switch 4 for CSM! About time our corner has some representation!


as a fellow heretic army member Switch 4 has been a friend for years and i knows he cares about this game and only wants the best for it. hes a great FC and has some awsome ideas on how to help lowsec.


Been flying with ANTI and MERCY under guidance of Switch ever since the first Mehatoor and Eredan camps last March. Levelheaded, relaxed and informal FC with great understanding of game mechanics. Would love to see lowsec and FW to get more representation in the CSM.

Pirate insurgencies are what got me back playing after an 11 year hiatus, Switch is who got me to stay!

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Who would not want a better lowsec!!

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Who can resist the lure of fireworks?

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Not me! I say celebrate all the things!

Interesting arguments in the reddit thread. Non on fireworks yet though! Any other costumization suggestions? Alliance / corp decals in SKINR??

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I would love to see custom ship placement with Corp and alliance logos, or at least multiple options of placements. Some of them look horrible right now. I also know it’s opening more and more, but more manipulation abilities within SKINR.

You mention you would like to ‘Fix Zarzakh and FOB mechanics’.
What would you say is exactly wrong with them in their current state and what are some of the changes you would like to see?

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do you know how to really gank in highsec?